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  1. Hello there, since I've found finally the source of the weird Merge bug, (which causes to let the merge having all the merged plugins to have them as master; This happens if you use any other language than english) I ask kindly of someone could upload these merges of SR:LE and SR:LotD so I could manually translate and use them! Best regards AtroCty
  2. Scratch everything I said, I found all the source of evil: Translations. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69905/?tab=14&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodbugs%2F%3Fid%3D69905&pUp=1 Sadly the program can't handle translations yet.
  3. Well, had the same error again today, even with disabling everything on the left pane. I opened the merged file in TES5Edit and deleted all master references in the file header. Checked for errors, 0. Hopefully this is a fix....
  4. I bump this in the hope we get someone willing to do it... The problem for me would be that I will need to redownload everything including Legendary Patch as well...
  5. Meh, it's late here, and I were/am very exhausted, so sorry for my lack of grammar. :P Gonna catch some sleep, maybe I will have a more proper answer when I wake up. ;) €DIT: I think you responded to the wrong topic.
  6. Hello there, since I try to make a huge translation-project (German) for STEP I wanted to ask if anyone made a giant merge for all the .esp/.esm's of SRLE:LotD that includes all the string-variables. This way we could do a giant library for TESVTranslator and unify all translations. (not only for German, but any other translation if desired) I can't do that since I dont have the original english files (anymore) and a whole re-download would require a huge amount of work. I would only require these both files. Best regards AtroCty
  7. https://forum.step-project.com/topic/9322-merge-standalone-output-esp-has-merged-file-as-master/page-2 Had the exact same issue. My resolution was to create a new profile on MO, deactivate ALL mods but the required ones for merging, then run Merge Plugins.
  8. I did this first the EXACT same way since the beginning, still I had this master-issue. Only disabling the mods on the left pane was the only working resolution for me.
  9. To be clear: I deactived all mods on the LEFT pane, until I've got only the required mods, and the required masters, nothing else. You maybe should add it to your guide-section.
  10. I've made a new profile, deactivated ALL mods but the required for merge. Now it works, yay. :)
  11. Meep! Does anyone have any kind of solution for this? Else I cannot go for Legacy of the Dragonborn...
  12. Sorry to unburry this, but I have the exact problem now, and I can't resolve this issue...
  13. Yupp, that fixed it, thanks! Now only Mod-Merging is missing.
  14. Alright, found the source of issue #1: ASIS. Can't resolve it, so I deactiveted it now.
  15. Hello there, this is my 3rd (and probably last, even if it fails again) reinstallation of SRLE. This re-installation fixed my Wildlife and Whiterun-CTDs (finally). But now I have some new issues (*sigh*). 1. I started at Whiterun as houseowner. As soon as I left the building I wanted to start with the Blacksmith intruction at Adrianne Avenicci. But I cannot interact with her in any way! Console commands like "enable/disable", "resetAI" and "moveto player" didn't help. 2. Mod merging is realy weird. I used this guide for it (as stated in SRLE): https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Neovalen/Skyrim_Revisited_-_Legendary_Edition/Mod_Merging But as soon as I merged the plugin and try to activate it, it still require the merged plugins as master! Example: ELE_Legendary_Fs_Lite.esp require ELE_Fs_Lite.esp and ELE_Legendary_Lite.esp as master. What do I do wrong here? Thanks for any help!
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