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Everything posted by Kolaris

  1. MO is inside the Skyrim directory, so it moved along with it. Everything is cleared out of the old Program Files directory. Tried all combinations of Admin on/off, UAC on/off. I'm a bit confused by what's being displayed in FNIS and the log file. Why is Bathing in Skyrim being read first? It's lower in both MO's left pane as well as the load order. And I'm pretty sure SR:LE had me install many other animation mods which I'd expect to see mentioned.
  2. No way to edit a post twice? Bit the bullet and moved Skyrim. Apparently Steam does allow for multiple directories per drive (in Settings > Downloads rather than the install prompt), and the whole process was actually quite painless. Except, the error persists. No idea where to go from here.
  3. Yes, it is a SR:LE install. If I copy FNIS, Bathing in Skyrim, and XP32 Extended Skeleton somewhere else and don't run it through MO I can get further along in the process. What exactly does FNIS need? My full modlist, or only the animation mods? Does it need access to base Skyrim resources? Being optimistic here, but if I could generate FNIS resources somewhere else then move them back into MO maybe I can keep going. Or is there a way to make sure FNIS is running as an administrator when run through MO? Arguments maybe? Does running as administrator even matter if UAC is off?
  4. Hmm, there is something overwriting the werewolf skeleton.nif, but removing it doesn't fix the problem. Like I said, there's not much I can do about the Program Files situation. I had Skyrim installed on an external hardrive, but that was causing the soundless Dohvakiin issue, whose only apparent fix is to install on the C:\ drive. And Steam only allows one installation per drive, and I wasn't going to reinstall and remod 20+ games to move it out of Program Files. Oh well. Sucks to have made it to the very end before I ran into problems.
  5. Running into some of the same problems from earlier in the thread, but I never saw someone come back saying a fix worked for them. So: ERROR(5): The directory name is invalid when running FNIS through MO. I'm on Vista, Skyrim is installed in Program Files (x86) (no other choice unfortunately), but UAC is off. MO is run as an administrator anyway. Antivirus is disabled (temporarily). The binary location is correct and the "start in" field is blank. This is the error: This is what makes it into my Overwrite folder before the error: And I've attached my log. I did have an accident where the XP32 Skeletons MO mod folder got renamed after installation, but I think I have it back to what it was. And I'm certain it's back where it was in the left pane, and LOOT doesn't move it in the right. Still, it's the only thing I can think of. Although, I was having some trouble with MO's virtual drive when configuring Merge Plugins Standalone for the first time. I was physically staring at the correct flag files in Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source, but Merge Plugins (started through MO) couldn't see them. But, I know so little about this stuff it's probably nothing. Thanks for any help. FNIS Log.txt
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