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  1. Awesome, thanks for the clarification and yes, I would expect the generated ones to look better. Can't wait to try this out!
  2. Do we need to uninstall all billboards that were used in the V2 generation process? Or are the old filepaths ignored by TexGen now that they're no longer needed? Side note: Congrats and thank you on the tree and grass billboard generation. Having to find or manually create tree billboards was a pain. I didn't think they would ever get automated so this is beyond incredible.
  3. Alright, thank you for the answer and the explanation.
  4. Oh so I can delete/uninstall the billboards once the script is run? Are there any files generated then by the script that could be packed into a BSA?
  5. Once I've generated the LODs from the billboards and ran the TesVEdit script, can I safely pack the billboards into a "DYNDOLod.bsa" to be loaded with the esp for faster load times? Or is that not possible/not recommended due to reasons?
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