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  1. Hi, I'm following the Step guide for Skyrim. Version I've done this before without a hitch. I've run into a problem, though. I'm to the part where I install Enhanced Lighting for ENB-LITE and when I follow the instructions to set the loot priority for 970000 it just plain won't let me. The highest priority value I can assign in LOOT is 127. I know I've been able to do this before in previous runs of STEP Skyrim and I am at a loss. Any help would be appreciated. https://wiki.step-project.com/Enhanced_Lighting_for_ENB-LITE#Recommendations Here are the instructions for the specific step I'm trying to follow, any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.
  2. I may have figured part of this out. I guess the unable to load plugins message is actually normal behavior just pointing to the fact that the merge cannot be rebuilt until those plugins are enabled. I still have some issues with the Yuki Merge, but I will work with it and figure it out. I just want to get Veronica squared away with that energy weapon.
  3. Yes, all of that is done, and yes I have only one bashed patch. It does not appear in the overright folder but you have to refresh and then it appears as per guide instructions. What happens, with all my merge plugins is they appear to build normall, then, once I disable the plugins included in the merge it goes grey in the standalone list and says plugins not loaded. I've been googling all night trying to figure it out. I have reinstalled, looked over the instructions several times and I haven't missed a thing. I followed the guide to a T. Tried disabling antivirus as that was suggested in another post, checked permissions. No idea what is happening.
  4. So, running this guide everything is going smooth, getting some armor, implants and got Veronica. I noticed she wasn't using the energy weapon indicated in the Yuki Gameplay Tweaks/Merge part of the guide. I checked the merge and all plugins included were red. I've followed the guide to a T, every single line. I rebuilt the merge, just incase I missed something and then redid my bashed patch,following instructions carefully in case I missed something. The Yuki Merged Mods merge still will not work. It says missing masters for every plugin and stays red unless I enable the plugins selected in said merge. However, the guide states to disable the included plugins once the merge is successful. Oh,and yes I of course generated bashed tags for it, each time I redid the merge. I have no idea what could be causing this. For now, I suppose I will just run the plugins individually until I can find a fix. Any advice would be appreciated. Edit- This got me curious so I am looking at a lot of my merges. Many of them have reds and seem to have errors. I'm semi baffled as I followed the instructions to a T and added bashed patches. Most of them say plug ins not loaded
  5. Yeah, I figured it out guys. I finally killed a female and got a well fitting dog tag. Sorry, it may have seemed a small thing to ask I should have probably just Trouble waited until I found a female necklace. Thing is, it was semi confusing as the first female I killed, the one in the bar in goodsprings actually had a male necklace which caused my panic... The neckseam must die! Thanks for the responses. On to my next post about how I can't get the YUKI merge to work.
  6. Just to get some clarification, can companions die on non-hardcore mode? Also your response about necklaces sorta confuses me. On the mod page it does state that different necklaces are distributed to different genders. So far I have only been able to get male specific ones and they are much larger than my neck. I guess I will just have to wait and see until I can find one that is female specific.
  7. Hello. I have followed the guide to a T and am doing some running around on my test character to make sure everything seems to work before creating the bashed patch. I have a couple questions, though. I have tried to find reference to any changes in the mods, but I can't find it. Is charisma basically the same as Vanilla? Or, are there now charisma checks. Trying to figure this out before I start with my main character. I remember in Vanilla Charisma was useless and you could just level speech instead. So, my question is basically how does this guide change the value of the Charisma stat? Secondly, I have a question about Distributed Necklaces and Chains. I was super excited for this mod, as I get pretty bad neck seams with the raider race I want to main. However, the only necklaces I have looted so far are too wide for my neck and sort of just hover there. Is this because the only necklaces I've looted so far are from males and that they might be tailored for a male neck size? I would imagine it has nothing to do with my type 3 body or FCO, since those were both included in the guide. I have asked on the Mod page, but noone has been able to offer any insight yet and unfortunately I haven't really found a female to kill/rob/loot and test the gender size difference possibility. Thirdly, thank you so much for this guide. I can't wait to get these questions answered, build my main character and jump in. The game looks wonderful, the new animations are a great touch. The guide was super easy to follow and I learned a few things about modding between this and the Skyrim Step guide. Keep up the great work and again, thank you so much to anyone involved in this particular guide and the S.T.E.P. community as a whole. You guys bring modding to a whole new level. <3
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