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Everything posted by Seyes17

  1. @Sheson. When I said I solve the problem, I thought I had, but I hadn't. I went tinkering with it again, doing what you've suggested and all but nothing fixed it. With and without DynDOLOD my game took 5-60 mins to load up. I was so frustrated I decided to find out if it was a mod conflict. Just today I found out that Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul has/had loads of incompatibility issues with my loadorder(I always do that, must've been in a hurry when I installed this), reinstalled DynDOLOD(just loaded up the mods that I wanted DynDOLOD to LOD for), booted up Skyrim and BAM!!! Loaded the save while listening to Mother by Danzig, was done loading during it. This may be irrelevant but I thought you'd wanted to know if it was fixed. My game now looks gorgeous.
  2. Alright, I seem to have fixed the issue. Thanks for the help again, Sheson. I will add details to how I fixed it in this very post. I disabled a load of mods and it seems to have fixed itself. THIS DIDN'T FIX THE ISSUE. The solution I had is on the link below https://forum.step-project.com/topic/5011-dynamic-distant-objects-lod-dyndolod-149/?p=162678 EDIT: How I resolved my issue for people that are experiencing this issue too. First off, I deleted the generation I had so I can start from scratch again. My load order consists of standalone and merged plugins. I then proceeded to remove these mods: Birds of Skyrim*Dogs of Skyrim*Deadly Wenches*Dwemertech - Magic of the DwarvesEdoras - City of the HorseEnhanced Wetness and PuddlesForgotten Wenches*Immersive Wenches*Moon and StarProject Parallax RemasteredRevenge of the Enemies 2016*Shadow of MorrowindSpectraverse - Magic of the Magna-GeThe Gray Cowl of NocturnalUnique Uniques*Unofficial Enhanced Lights and FX ELFX SMIM ENB fps performance patch**Mods written in bold worked fine after testing them. After that proceeded to I reinstall DynDOLOD(you can use the clean way provided by GamerPoets, I didn't do that as I was going for an entirely new savegame). After this my game worked seamlessly. Load times were back to normal with 1-3 minutes. EDIT 2: I set the list in alphabetical order for better reading. I will retest the mods with * to see if they will cause an issue.
  3. The load time was about 2-3 minutes before DynDOLOD. But I do have to say I did merge a high number of plugins(6 plugins, with about 30 merged into them) which might have increased the load time. Disabling them now is out of the question since DynDOLOD.esp added some them to masters. I also do not have an SSD, I have a SATA drive. EDIT: I decided to just redo my entire load order for increased game performance.
  4. With long I mean 15 mins to just load into the game. I started a new game and actually got to Solstheim with only 5 mins of load time. I will try to go back to Skyrim to see if the issue still exists there. I will try your recommendations the next time I close the game. I will update this post with the new info. Also my system specs if I have forgotten to add them. EDIT: I did coc WindhelmBridge02 and had a 5 minute load time(which is still playable for me). I'm going to make a wild shot by saying that maybe the load time was dramatic is because I was outside of Whiterun at the time and have Enhanced Whiterun + Whiterun market in the game(sorry that I didn't say this earlier, when fixing stuff the most useful info seems to slip away from me).
  5. It doesn't matter when I save, the load times are too long to handle, I could change the .ini settings but wouldn't know exactly which of them? is it these? [TerrainManager] fTreeLoadDistance=75000.0000 fBlockMaximumDistance=250000.0000 fBlockLevel1Distance=70000.0000 fBlockLevel0Distance=35000.0000 fSplitDistanceMult=1.5000 bShowLODInEditor=0 And if it is, what are the recommended values? It also took long to start out with Alternate Start, so I haven't been able to see if Solstheim is loading faster than Skyrim. EDIT: For testing purposses, I will be using the following values. [TerrainManager] fTreeLoadDistance=250000.0000 fBlockMaximumDistance=350000.0000 fBlockLevel1Distance=70000.0000 fBlockLevel0Distance=35000.0000 fSplitDistanceMult=1.1000
  6. Here is the TES5Edit_Log.txt you requested. I had to upload this to my drive because it exceeded the file size pastebin allowed free users. Sorry for the inconvenience if any was made. This generation does allow my game to load but with long load times(might also be that I reverted back to an older save and changed about 50 .esps(merged most of them). I will now look if it works well by restarting my game. EDIT: Nothing changed much, the load time is still insanely high.
  7. I will try this tweak on my next run, as someone on Reddit has adviced me to watch the GamerPoets video(I watched another instructional video) and I've corrected some mistakes I have made. I will get back to you if I have fixed this issue. I've also provided you with the additional info I've provided on my Reddit post.
  8. I have a problem, when I installed this it changed my load time dramatically. I have no SSD, just SATA. I followed the provided instruction videos on how to install this thing but the loading time is still dramatic. Been reinstalling this for about 2 days now without any fix. If you're able to help me, I'll be forever grateful.
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