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  1. GSDFan - Thank you for your excellent advice. I got all 6 MOs working again. The only casualty was that I lost the OB loadorder.txt, modlist.txt, and plugin.txt files. There are only 188 mods so rebuilding the mod and plugin orders will be easy. Skyrim SE has 1022 mods. Rebuilding the load and plugin orders for SSE would have been quite the task. Thank you for your quick response and spot-on advice.
  2. I have FO3, FNV, FO4, MW, OB, and SSE installed on my computer. None of the games are on the C: drive. MO2 is installed as an instance for all six games. When I turned on the computer this morning, not matter which game I ran, the computer loaded MO2 for OB. I tried going into each individual MO2 folder and running ModOrganizer.exe from each of the six MO2 folders. All six ModOrganizer.exe programs ran MO2 OB. MO2 for OB was the last game that I was working on last night before I shut down. Obviously, a setting(s) got overwritten somewhere. However, I cannot find it. Any help in telling me where to look for the damaged setting would be greatly appreciated. I really do not want to create backups for over 2,500 mods and utilities, wipe everything clean, and reinstall everything. Thank you for any assistance.
  3. After much experimentation I finally got rid of Companion Ria's two sets of eyes. So I now have one working mannequin mod which is all that I need. Thank you so much for your help. I would not have solved the problem without your advice.
  4. The mannequin mod with only scripts and an .esp file is Female Mannequins LE 9131 and SSE 12869. I have solved the problem. I took a break from testing and updated USSEP from 4.1.3b to 4.1.4. With the new USSEP there are no more CTDs. Of course, the heads for SSE Mannequin Design and LE Companion Ari, both with and without XPMSSE, are black. With and without XPMSSE, LE Companion Ria does not have a black face, but she does have two sets of eyes. So things are not perfect, but we are getting there. Do you have any suggestions for solving the head problems? Thanks again for you continued help
  5. Thanks for your reply. I removed the facegen data from LE Companion Ari. Game still CTDs when entering a building with mannequins. I removed the facegen data from SSE Mannequin Designs. Game still CTDs. The SSE mod Female Mannequin contains no meshes. The mod consists solely of scripts and an .esp. Game still CTDs. I believe this indicates that the problem is with the .esp files and not with the mesh files. Also, the fact that both of the two LE companion mods work fine until the separate .esp that contains the mannequins is used. Then they CTD. So the question is 'what do the .esp files contain that the game does not like?" I opened up SSEdit and ran 'Check for Errors' on the two SSE mods and the LE Companion Ari mod. No errors were found. Any other thoughts? I do appreciate your help. At least we are eliminating possibilities.
  6. Thank you for your reply. The skeleton that I am using is XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended 1988. However, I am still using version 4.2 since I heard there might be some problems with the latest version. When converting LE mods to SSE I always run the facegen data through NifOptimizer first. Then I optimize the other mesh files. After that I load the .esp file into the Creation Kit and then save it. I found another oldrim follower mod 17302 at has a mannequin option. I optimized the facegen data first, then the other meshes. I loaded and saved the .esp file that was "follower only' as well as the 'follower + mannequin' .esp through the Creation Kit. With the 'follower only' .esp file in my load order the follower mod works fine - no CTDs upon entering a building with mannequins.. If I replace the follower .esp file with the 'follower+mannequinn' .esp I get immediate CTDs upon trying to enter a building with mannequins. I do not think that my problem is because I am not doing the LE to SSE conversion properly. Even if I was screwing up the conversion process, the two SSE mannequin mods that I tried also CTD on trying to enter a building with mannequins. I guess my next step is to do a fresh install of SSE on an different drive. If I still get mannequin CTDs after a completely new install I will know that I am cursed by the Divines and need to go back to playing Tale of Two Wastelands.
  7. Skyrim SSE: My problem is that I get a CTD when I enter a building that contains mannequins when I have a mannequin mod in my load order: Mannequin Designs 16205, Sexy Mannequins 2128, and Companion Ria oldrim 17354 with meshes NifOptimized and header changed to Type 44. My load order is: 1. Skyrim 2. Update 3. DG 4. HF 5. DB 6. USSEP 7. One of the 3 player home mods in which the Companion Ria mannequins previously worked perfectly; Dragon Keep, Silian Manor and Leaf Rest 8. Alternate Start I have verified the integrity of Skyrim.esm Update and the DLCs are freshly downloaded and cleaned. I started a new game for each test that I have made. All three mannequin mods are newly downloaded and installed. I am using MO2 I have run out of ideas as to how to solve this problem. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  8. Thanks to your mentioning the ModOrganizer.ini I was able to solve my problem. The solution was to open ModOrganizer.ini in Notepad. At the bottom of the text is the [sERVER] section. This section only showed the CND server. I deleted everything under [sERVER], saved and restarted MO2. I downloaded a mod from Nexus using 'Download With Manager'. I then opened ModOrganizer.ini in Notepad. The [sERVER] section now listed all of the download sites and I can now select any of the sites using the Nexus Tab in Configurations. Hurrah! Thank you for your help.
  9. Thank you for your reply. I understand that the premium links should reappear when I download a file. However, they do not reappear after downloading a mod. I have downloaded a number of mods today and the premium links have not reappeared. I have also reinstalled MO2 today. That did not changed anything. Would reinstalling MO2 have updated the MOdOrganizer.ini file? If not, how would I go about creating a working copy of the ini file? Thanks for your help.
  10. I have suddenly lost my premium download sites from the Nexus tab in the Configure Settings and Workarounds section. I have a lifetime premium membership and my preference selected in my Nexus account is to use the North America site. I have run nxmhandler.exe numerous times. I can still download files from the non-premium Canadian site. Accessing Nexus via Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer does not change anything. Any suggestions as to what I should try next?
  11. I am confused by your comment "I believe in portable mode". Does this mean you only use portable mode and not instance mode. The problem that I am having only occurs in instance mode. In portable mode the OK button works fine whether you select MO2 or NMM.
  12. My link that I mentioned in post 5 above disappeared. I am writing the link below: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/62012-mod-organizer-2-help/
  13. Thank you again. Yes, MO2 needs to be in portable mode in order for Merge Plugins to work. Fortunately, I found the following instructions for switching to portable mode: posts 2 and 3. My plugin count is now below 255 and I am ready to Smash.
  14. Thank you for your reply. However, my problem is with Merge Plugins, not Mator Smash. I need to reduce the number of .esp files to below 255 before I can run Mator Smash.
  15. I am doing a complete reinstall, mods and tools, of Skyrim SSE using MO2. Everything had gone smoothly until I tried to use Merge Plugins. If I click the gear icon and make changes to any of the first three tabs i am able to click on the OK button to save the changes. If I make changes to the fourth tab, the Integrations tab, the OK button is grayed out and I can not save my changes. Without the integrations information Merge Plugins won't work. The Merge Plugins server has been down for at least 24 hours so I cannot reregister. I don't know if this has a bearing on the problem or not. The error log shows the mods being loaded without a problem. Then there are two messages saying that the program could not connect to the server, after that nothing. I have also tried starting Merge Plugins with the -offline argument and that did not solve the problem. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
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