It just generated the log file The weird thing is the log ============================================================ Skyrim Object LOD Generator v0.8 Created by Ehamloptiran and Zilav Updated by Sheson Log started at 11:33 Nothing to do Log ended at 11:33 ============================================================ Skyrim Object LOD Generator v0.8 Created by Ehamloptiran and Zilav Updated by Sheson Log started at 12:06 Nothing to do Log ended at 12:06 ============================================================ Skyrim Object LOD Generator v0.8 Created by Ehamloptiran and Zilav Updated by Sheson Log started at 12:07 Nothing to do Log ended at 12:07 It doesnt matter if i start it from FO3LODGEN or straing from MO it writes nothing to do in the log altough if i start it from FO3LODGEN it generates LODGen.txt and LODGenAtlasMap.txt and if i start LODGen.exe straight from MO it doesnt generate those.