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Everything posted by bearcano

  1. I seem to keep running into a "Stack Overflow" error which causes an error box to come up, after which I have to close LodGeneratorCMD. The script continues running after this point, but the error is worrisome. Is that something that is going to harm my game at some point? Or will just some textures be missing?
  2. Okay, good news is: Everything seems to be working. I disabled SkyFalls + SkyMills, reran DynDOLOD Worlds script (medium settings), and ran it. Teleported to Katla's Farm and Windhelm Docks, no problems. Bad news is I don't really know WHY it didn't work before. But oh well. Thanks for your help, Sheson :)
  3. Ah, okay. I guess I'm back to square one for now. I'm actually running DynDOLOD Worlds script again without SkyFalls + SkyMills just to check, but yeah, I wasn't getting the last line of the log to be a DynDOLOD-related message. It was always just some random script message but never the same one. All I know so far is that I can run around anywhere (so far) without DynDOLOD enabled, but it crashes at certain locations if it IS enabled. If it's not a memory issue (and it doesn't appear to be, based on my memory log output) then I'm not sure what's up with it. Maybe it's a VRAM issue? Maybe I'll run the Performance Monitor and have a look there.
  4. Okay, I was able to run up the ramp to the Solitude front gate by disabling lod/waterfalls/fxwaterfallbodytallsfclose_lod.nif However, I still CTD when trying to run down to the docks. The next one up are the following: [09/13/2015 - 04:02:08PM] [SHESON_DynDOLOD_LODObject < (F601767B)>] base element [Form < (F6014627)>] using architecture\solitude\swindmillrotor.nif [09/13/2015 - 04:02:08PM] [SHESON_DynDOLOD_LODObject < (F601703E)>] base element [Form < (F60145A2)>] using Architecture\Solitude\Farms\SSawWaterWheel.nif However, I can't find these files in the DynDOLOD folder. Similarly, while I'm able to find the first one in this next list, I can't find the last two: [09/13/2015 - 04:02:01PM] [SHESON_DynDOLOD_LODObject < (F6017103)>] base element [Form < (F60110BE)>] using dyndolod\lod\effects\fxwaterfallskirtslope_dyndolod_lod.nif [09/13/2015 - 04:02:01PM] [SHESON_DynDOLOD_LODObject < (F6017104)>] base element [Form < (F60110A4)>] using Effects\FXrapidsBig01.nif [09/13/2015 - 04:02:01PM] [SHESON_DynDOLOD_LODObject < (F60172D8)>] base element [Form < (F6011410)>] using Effects\FxRapidsRingHeavy.nif .. because there's no "Effects" folder in the base Meshes location. Browsing through the various Effects folders I CAN find, I can't find the FXrapids nifs. Could that be causing an issue? Here's what the directory looks like in MO: I definitely let the DynDOLOD scripts complete fully when I ran them (took 34 minutes), so if stuff is missing I'm not sure what caused it. Good question... I might have a mod like that, depending on if one of the potion replacers or trade mods I have adds them. Weird thing is I'm not having any performance drops, the thing is just CTD. If I can manage to make it down to the docks before crashing I'll definitely check, though! Thanks for the tip! Update Edit: I tried rebuilding DynDOLOD and got the same crash situation. I turned off DynDOLOD again, rebuilt my Bashed patch, and was able to run up and around the Solitude ramp and Solitude docks. Also was able to coc over to Windhelm and run around those docks as well. Definitely seems to be DynDOLOD related. Maybe mod compatibility issue with DynDOLOD when I run the worlds script? It just seems weird that the .nifs are not even in the DynDOLOD folders, so I can't disable/rename them.
  5. Good call, I thought I was running the debug correctly but I missed the DynDOLOD notifications last time. I'm getting a lot of "base element" .nif issues as suggested there. I'll go in and turn them off one by one.
  6. Thanks. I tried this stuff (I don't use Safety Load). My blocks are set at 512 and 256, and I seem to crash when the first block is around 480, but ALWAYS when the second value is 185. Curious. (edit: I restarted and coc'd there, and the first block was only at 339 while the second was at 185 at the CTD point again.) I turned on debug logging for DynDOLOD and I'm not seeing any missing .nifs. I guess it could be a memory issue since it is so consistent about that 185, but that just seems weird.
  7. Ugh, bummer. My game seemed to be running fine (despite the huge number of mods), until I started running up the hill to Solitude. It seems that the game always crashes when I approach... I checked the Papyrus log and nothing seemed to be causing it consistently (I tried a lot of approaches). Tried validating files and everything. Reason I bring this up HERE of all places is that, on a whim, I unchecked DynDOLOD and I was able to avoid the crash. I'm pretty bummed because I like DynDOLOD a lot. I ran the "Medium" settings and I figured my GTX 970 and 8GB of RAM would be more than enough for that. My guess is a mesh is missing or corrupted or something? Is there something I should be looking out for in particular?
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