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  1. Sheson, I think I might be having a similiar issue as Mebantiza. I was playing through my save using Dyndolod 1.45. Everything working fine. About 7 hours of gameplay and heading to darkwater crossing. Then I saved the game and quit. I come back it and try to load the save. CTD as it looks like its about to load in game. I try it again. Same thing. I try a couple saves before. Same. I find a save back about 15 minutes of gameplay. Load it up and keep playing. Save the game in Darkwater crossing. Go to load it and CTD. I try to open the saves in save game cleaner and the program crashes. I was recommended to use save game script scapel by flexcreator. I run that on my saves and no change. So I decided Ill go back and hour or two of gameplay. Play through and at the same area (after valtheim towers) I get the save issue. I try uninstalling dyndol lod and I am able to save again. Does this seem like a performance issue or a bad install on my part of Dyndolod? I really like the mod and want to continue to use it if possible. Just seems strange that it would start at a particular point in the game. I also tried loading a save game 3 or 4 hours back and went straight to the location (with dyndolod installed) and I was able to save.
  2. Didnt have that error but I installed xEdit 280715 and re installed Dyndolod. Same thing. EDIT: Tried a previous save w/o dyndolod. Seems to be fine now. Maybe the save data was corrupted. Idk. Hopefully it doesnt happen again. Thanks Sheson.
  3. Sheson, As far as I can tell it only happens with Dyndolod. Ive done some testing. Here are two ss. First w/o dyndolod and the second with it. Ive done a full reinstall of dyndolod. Could it be the lod files. I have Vanilla Billboards, SFO 2.3,2.3b update,SFO 2.3 Billboards, realistic aspen trees, RAT 3.4 billboards. Dyndolod activated https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=498758159 Dyndolod deactivated https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=498763839 Thanks EDIT: Looks like trees are overlapping each other. Im removing Realistic Aspen Trees as that is a new mod to my load order I had before and rerunning dyndolod. Ill update with what happens.
  4. Hi sheson, with dyndolod installed I get corrupted textures on certain trees. Any ideas what is causing it. It doesnt occur with the mod deactivated or disabled. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=498296510
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