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    skyrim redone

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  1. ok turns out the scripts were not in the right place or activated at all. i ran skse through mo and i got the error again "error 1" skyui doesnt notices that skse isnt running and wont work properly or skyrim has a new patch.(which is unlikely). but after checking the scripts mod it works. Now with the scripts activated i can finally install mods now. thanks Grant! and Greg it was saying skyui doesnt notice skse or skyrim has new patch
  2. Sorry if I did something wrong on the quote thing... Still learning how to use this. Anyways I also forgot to mention that I did do the getskseversion in console before I posted.I have 1.7.3 and skyui 5.0 and using the latest 1.3.8 version of mo. I installed skse and mo correctly I know that for sure but not sure if I did skyui correctly. I even did multiple installation videos. Still not sure what to do
  3. I've been looking around for this fix and so far i havnt found it. When i launch skse through MO i always get a error code 1 for skyui. People said a fix for that is running as administrator, not entirely sure if it works for me because i dont have skyui installed or any other mod installed. Even when i just close the warning i think the game is normal.again not entirely sure. i even ran mo as admin and i still get that error code. plus i cant see any mcm's and when i open the inv or magic it takes like 3 seconds to load it all. but i know that i installed skse, skyui, MO correctly. is there a way to make sure that mo runs skse as admin or something like that? ive been looking for 3 days and something close but not the problem that i have.
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