Hello everybody! I have a slight problem that my game is crashing ALOT when I fight bandits, trying to fight 2 bandits can make me reload the game as much as 6 times before I can actually get over with the fighting and not have my game CTD. So I would like if someone smarter then me could solve this, might have to much mods installed, might have a problem with OBIS aka "Organized Bandits In Skyrim" but I really love OBIS and I would like to keep the mod. So my Skyrim seems to be crashing alot when I fight bandits and I think it might be related to OBIS since my papyrus always have like 20 entries from OBIS that had gone wrong before CTD'ing but I really really love the mod and I was thinking that you have a way around this, maybe encounterd the same problem? Load Order: loadorder.txt Since I don't know how to upload the papyrus file I can just post the last lines. Papyrus.0 - Before the last 11 lines I get these 11 lines: [OBIS_SPAWN (68018DAA)].ObisFactions.OnInit() - "ObisFactions.psc" Line 30[05/08/2015 - 02:34:05AM] Error: Cannot call SetAlly() on a None object, aborting function call Papyrus.0 - The last 11 Lines look similar: [ (0009F811)].Faction.SetAlly() - "<native>" Line ?[OBIS_SPAWN (68018DAA)].ObisFactions.OnInit() - "ObisFactions.psc" Line 150[05/08/2015 - 02:34:06AM] Error: Cannot be an ally of a None faction If anyone need more information you have but to ask, I will check back in the morning, its currently 3:AM here and I gatz to sleep.and I used Mod Manager in-game to try to fix things and reduced the CTD by minimizing the "Number of Scans per Area: 10"I have "Bandits Self Delete: X" and "Randomize OBIS Spawns: X" checked everything else is minimum. Do I have to uninstall the mod to play or is there a way to fix this? Sorry for the inexperienced post.