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Everything posted by TGA

  1. Well I double check my Loadorder I figured out my skymills got moved by mistakes, that problem is fixed. The static LOD trees and other objects; I am using most recent version of TES5edit 3.1.2 and I'll look into the message for the duplicate tree reference ID's. I can tell you right now that the trees with stuck LODs are the markarth trees, or the dead tundra trees just east of whiterun towards the pale, just before the river that leads to the "toll tower " with bandits. Other instanced of those trees are fine, its the only place ive found with duplicate trees, and there shouldbe be multiple mods adding those tres... but agin ill check the TES5edit files for the duplicate tree reference. I can post screens later, but I also get a couple of specific cliff areas that load in as well, but it seems like the fix was just to select the object and delete it, as it doesnt even have an refrence object to even create the LOD. So those are easy. Seems it may be related to Enhanced Landscapes generating LODs for cliff objects that may be overwritten by another mod I have? Hard to tell, those are fairly minor though, the stuck trees are the worst.
  2. Yea you tell em Seshon! Actually I have been noticing a few locations, where I find LOD trees, and small sections of road, chuncks of mountain remain stuck and do not dissapear as I get closer to the billboards. The locations are very very few though. I am curious about how to improve these issues, but I figured I'd describe the problems before I post about specific locations. Also I notice that , sometimes, the windmills aren't on static LOD, or i see the sails but the windmill body lods will not load. I see a , "pop-in" for the windmill bodies.This is problem is infrequent and inconsistant, sometimes they work just fine. Other then these couple things dyndo lod works and runs great. I figure I did everything correct with the Load order and install but just these few things I'd like to improve if i can.
  3. Hey Seshon, you fixed the green dirt cliffs man, ill make sure to msg AceeQ, and post the fix in the EL posts. You are a wizard and humanitarian. I thank you.
  4. Thanks for working with me on this, the screenshot isnt that confusing, but I agree it's difficult to see my steps in generating the lod. Ill check up on this stuff i got some work first, ill make you a short vid showing all the stuff but far as i know I have stuff in the correct order. TextGen.pas I havent touched so maybe theres my problem, ill look at the tes5 edit log. Although i'm sure it looks just fine to a layman.
  5. So your saying the dirt cliffs in the rift, and the dirt cliffs in the tundra are the same object? So is it a problem with the mod itself? Also what do you mean by "terrain lod" and not "static object lod" ? The problem lods in question are static object lods, terrain lods are working fine the trees LODs are fine. Its a problem with the dirt cliffs in the reach being GREEN and not Yellow/Brown. The images are showing the matching LOD object in tundra and reach, demonstrating its pulling the texture from an incorrect region. So is it even possible to differentiate dirt cliffs in the rift from the dirt cliffs in the tundra? Are they the same object? They refrence the same texture in the atlas so I'm guessing theres nothing i can do? All i need is the rift dirt cliff objects to reference a different location in the dyndolod_atlas_tamriel.dds is that even possible?
  6. Anyone out there use Enhanced Landscapes? I was having a bit of a problem and as how that mod uses dyndoLOD i figured posting here couldnt hurt. How do I get a LOD mesh to refrence a different cell in the Dyndolod_Atlas_tamriel.dds ? i'm pretty competent at dyndolod, but if anyone could assist this should be a pretty straight forward fix. Load order and conflicts in MO have been checked, everything is set up properly.
  7. Will do thanks Seshon, your doing gods work ;)
  8. I had a version 1.45 build working just fine with Enhanced Landscapes. I decided i wanted to add a few more things, and noticed there was a 1.46 version and proceeded to upgrade to the 1.46 version Running the dyndo lod worlds script i keep running into an error: "Undeclared Identifier 'wbBuildAtlasFromTexturesList'." here is the error report generated: Any help on the issue would be appreciated, Ive used dyndolod just fine before not sure whats causing this problem.
  9. Loving this stuff Seshon! But onto business, I'm having an issue getting some tree LODS to appear in the morthal swamp region. Im using the bill boards provided by the TES5LODGEN for the SFO - F and the RAT billboards, but I cant seem to get these trees to appear, even after creating new tree LODS in TES5LODGEN and re running DynDOLOD. I see the pines just fine, from SFO, but the dying, dead type tree's LODS are no where to be seen. I'll post a load order if someone wants to take a look. Just trying to troubleshoot. Also im using the 0.58 version of dyndoLod and i still seem to get a floating tower in solitude's exterior? Was looking around for stuff on that issue as well, was reading that it was supposodly fixed in an earlier build.
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