Well I double check my Loadorder I figured out my skymills got moved by mistakes, that problem is fixed. The static LOD trees and other objects; I am using most recent version of TES5edit 3.1.2 and I'll look into the message for the duplicate tree reference ID's. I can tell you right now that the trees with stuck LODs are the markarth trees, or the dead tundra trees just east of whiterun towards the pale, just before the river that leads to the "toll tower " with bandits. Other instanced of those trees are fine, its the only place ive found with duplicate trees, and there shouldbe be multiple mods adding those tres... but agin ill check the TES5edit files for the duplicate tree reference. I can post screens later, but I also get a couple of specific cliff areas that load in as well, but it seems like the fix was just to select the object and delete it, as it doesnt even have an refrence object to even create the LOD. So those are easy. Seems it may be related to Enhanced Landscapes generating LODs for cliff objects that may be overwritten by another mod I have? Hard to tell, those are fairly minor though, the stuck trees are the worst.