Here's two mods I use just for convenience. No scripts or anything, and they don't really conflict with anything (unless you are adding town and city expansions on top of your build), but they do use two extra esp slots: Long Lost Smelters of Skyrim ( - Adds smelters to certain locations including Riverwood (I really, really hate there is no smelter in riverwood) Drinking Fountains of Skyrim ( - Makes using mods like iNeed less of a chore, and adds kind of a cool little element to towns and cities. Here's another interesting mod I've been following: PC Head Tracking and Voice ( - I play in third person, and in always bugs me how my character is always looking into space. Playing with this fully enabled can get kind of crazy, as your character will stare at just about every object in the game, but you can tweak in MCM so you pretty much only look at people you're talking to, or where the mouse pointer is at. Seems to be lightweight, and there are no conflicts with anything. Honestly not really sure this should be in SRLE or Extended, but just thought I'd point out this interesting new mod for any other third person players out there.