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  1. Hey frihyland, I noticed in your most recent mod suggestion that you love Dwemer stuff. I do to. May actually try out that railroad. Well, have you seen this one? Dwemer Certified by TheTalkieToaster Actually haven't used it in game YET since I have decided to not play Skyrim again until the next STEP is released. From what I saw on the mod's page, it looks like it might be a good mod. And then there's this: 187ENDORSEMENTS 1.08LATEST VERSION 8,097UNIQUE D/LS 15,714TOTAL D/LS Like I said, Dwemer Certified looks good to me and I plan on using it whether or not it becomes part of STEP. I just wanted to go ahead and put it forth as a suggestion for POSSIBLE inclusion in STEP. Please read below from the Skyrim Nexus: Dwemer Certified lets you build from scratch and repair from broken all the existing Dwemer Constructs, and two new ones- the humanoid Dwemer Simulacra, and the Dwemer Legionary (a small Centurion). All you need is a few perks and enough materials to forge the parts. Once you have your robot army, you can remove their weapons and armour to enchant or smith it just like you would your own, and there's a range of special upgrade items you can build to further improve them- so you can fit them with Daedra Hearts for cores, or internal storage so they can carry your loot for example. Then there's a selection of machine-healing-spells to help keep them in tip-top shape, and a power that lets you order all your Constructs at once- telling them to wait in place, go aggressive or what have you. There's also a spell that lets you take direct control of a Dwemer Centurion and go barrelling through your foes, knocking them aside with your bulk. With all this, the only limit in the number of Constructs you can have following you is your Magicka- each one drains a small amount (for Spiders) or quite a lot (for Centurions). If you like having an easy to control, highly upgradable and varied robot army following you then this is probably the mod for you. Enjoy!
  2. Thanks ,frihylnd, for your reply to my first post here. Incidentally, I've been familiar with STEP since somewhere in the 1.9's. Since finding it, I won't play Skyrim without it. I had put Skyrim aside for a bit while I was playing Mass Effect 2 and 3. NOW, I am wanting to get back into Skyrim and am waiting patiently for the next STEP. I figured you would appreciate this mod, though I'm not sure if some features can be disabled, though from looking at the mod's contents, it seems to be based on scripts. If you would want to incorporate UFO into step, you would probably need to contact the mod's creator to see what scripts perform which features to see which, if any, could be deleted for your purposes. By the way, I noticed on the mod's page that it is compatible with "Better Followers" that I saw mentioned in this thread.. Mods that are compatible, but must be placed BELOW UFO in load order: Better Followers (do not use dialogue.esp and delete C01QuestScript.pex from data/scripts folder) There are others listed, but this one is what caught my eye since I saw it mentioned as a Suggested Mod. Hmm..it seems that this post has gotten a little longer than I expected. :) Thanks again. :)
  3. Submitted for your approval - UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=14037 Can't give a review because I haven't yet used it in game. Don't plan on playing again until the next version of STEP is out. The fillowing is taken from the mod's page: UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul(v1.5 Skyrim or higher required) UFO is a set of tools and enhancements to the followers system that will allow for better control and usability of followers. GOALS: Make it simple, so it works even for people that don't read description instruction. Give new and expand existing follower options. Fix broken stuff from vanilla. Make it easy to use. Ensure compatibility with most type of mods. FEATURES: 1. Fully tradable inventory - Allows for full customization of you followers gear and hence looks. Simply take what you don't want them to use and give them what you want them to use. 2. Hire up to 15 followers at once - Internal scripting for more than one follower at a time 3. Display follower statistics - Ask what a followers is good at and they will display their stats. Works once follower joins you, but also hirelings can be asked prior to joining. 4. Level up for followers - Vanilla game does not level follower stats but keeps them at level you where when you first saw the follower. In UFO simply tell them to train and they will level up stats to their true level. 5. Dual wield for followers - If you give them two weapons, not they will use them. 6. All followers can ride - All followers have custom riding packages and will ride if they have a horse around. Eight horses for followers can be found across Tamriel, at stables or major cities. All UFO horses can Fast Travel as described below. If you want to use other mounts for followers you can download Horse Branding(you just need the esm file, disable the esp) and if you combine Horse Branding with Like a Boss it's yeah.. MEGAFUN!! :) 7.No lvl caps - All follower level caps have been removed 8. Appropriate gender animations - All female followers have female animations. 9. Better Housecarl AI - Houscarls will move around house and do different things. 10. All followers can be married 11. Followers will draw weapons in combat only. 12. Probably something i forgot.. like a bow fix and probably more :)
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