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Everything posted by TenorMadness

  1. I suppose it could be useful for seeing when powers like dragonskin expire without going back to the active effects menu.
  2. I figured it out. Its a new feature of SkyUI. Active effects HUD. Taken care of.
  3. I've got all the core STEP mods, a few others from the interface category (cfm oni, ihud, quality world map, time on load screen), and 3 other mods. Achieve that, realistic lighting overhaul, and even better quest objectives.
  4. Good idea! Here's an image. https://flic.kr/p/e4qcuv
  5. So I got done installing STEP 2.2.3 and started a new game to test it. One thing I noticed was an icon appearing in the upper right corner of the screen whenever I took elemental damage. Does anybody know what mod causes this? It's pretty distracting and I'd like to turn it off.
  6. 1.9 broke my install. Yay! It doesn't help that mod organizer decided to break at the same time.
  7. First of all, I'm sorry if these are dumb questions. I'm new to STEP and am just a bit confused. I noticed that a new version of STEP has been announced, and would like to upgrade. Do I just install the new mods from the list? Should I install the 1.9 update? Do I need to do a clean install of Skyrim? Thanks.
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