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Everything posted by Annon

  1. RS Children was just updated to 1.2
  2. The latest version 1.3.2 of SUM have LOOT built-in. Should we turn off that in the SUM options before we patch? I imagine the load order will break if LOOT is run
  3. Can someone please explain to me whats happening? So I was playing SR + SkyRe normally and it was working quite fine, a few freezes here and there but it was playable. But then I got to windhelm and I had to walk between candelhearth and palace of kings a few times and then my threshold for amount of freezes was reached. So i tried to fix it. I read that SMIM was a major cause so i tried to remove it. This meant i removed the main mod, wearable laterns smim patch, tobes highres smim patch and lastly the AM-SMIM patch. The last one was a problem, because i had merged all my patches in to one (so not to exceed 255 esp limit) so what i did was remove the the one entry from am-smim patch (a container entry) and removed the dependency of smim-dragonborn esp from my combined patches esp. And then when i loaded up skyrim the problem struck. Now to the problem. When i start the game now, skyrim get stuck at the loading screen. To be exact, right after skse info (version number and so on) is shown in the upper left screen and right before the logo starts rotating and menu interface pops up. And while this is happening my cpu is working at 50% (the skyrim process) and skyrim is not "not responding" (which it usually is when i load skyrim or a save or entering big interiors) edit: I have fixed the problem. I started over by re-merging all my patches from the beginning (and of course this time i excluded am-smim patch) and now I can load skyrim without SMIM. Still no idea what the problem was all about thought. Lets see if my games becomes more stable now...
  4. Should only the patches be uploaded or should all the modified esps also be uploaded? I think almost half of the tes5edit work in SR are those esps.
  5. I experienced en error when i tried to install "Wolverines Automatic Variants Port - Chocalambot" something about "encoding method unsupported". The reason for that was the stupidly long filepath strig was too long. I thought this was a problem with MO so I manually installed it. But this was not a very good idea since this later crashed AU patcher. Have anyone else had a similar error? have Anyone managed to install "Wolverines Automatic Variants Port - Chocalambot"?
  6. YAAY! :D I solved my problem with SkyProc patchers not working in MO. You can not change the mods folder for MO if you want to work SkyProc patchers. The mods folder must be "...\ModOrganizer\mods" (as per default). Prehaps this should be added to the guide, so anyone else can avoid making the same mistake as me :)
  7. Try the following without MO on: 1. Navigate to you actual skyrim\Data directory. If it has a SkyProc folder delete it (unless you did something wrong there should not be one) 2. Navigate to your MO\overwrite directory and delete the *.esp(s) associated with SkyProc (example SUM.esp). 3. In your overwrite directory is a "textures" folder that should only contain your AV textures. You might want to check, but delete it anyways. 4. In your overwrite directory is a "SkyProc Patchers" directory. Delete it. 5. Depending on your version of Windows navigate to your directory where the actual skyrim ini files are saved. In my case this is "Documents\My Games\Skyrim". There you will file a SkyProc folder. Delete it. Because AV moved your files from their installed directories into your MO\overwrite directory you will have to reinstall all the AV packages using MO and selecting REPLACE when doing so. I am not 100% certain but I do not believe you need to re-install Dual Sheath Redux or SUM, just the AV packages (someone correct me if I am wrong). Make sure that in MO they are in their proper positions (ie Automatic Variants should be first). When finished, run SUM again. For me, sometimes this fails the first time I run due to missing masters if a made changes to other mods, however, running it again fixes it. This should not be a problem for you as you deleted all the SkyProc folders in your Documents directory and MO\overwrite directory. Good luck. Thanks for your reply. However I am afraid it didn't work. I did manage to get to get it working, although it was very ugly. My problem seems to stem from running any kind of patcher through MO. I don't think my AV patcher worked either. When i run the AV patcher through MO it show the progress bar for like 2 seconds and then says it is finished and no texture folder or any esp is created in the overwrite folder. I wonder if a reason might be that i am not using the default location for mod folder or download folder in MO, or if it all boils down to windows 8. I did give MO admin privileges (couldn't start it otherwise), but I can't force any .jar file to have admin privs, so I wonder if that might be a problem. Anyway I did manage to get it working by simply installing it manually with wrye bash, its not pretty but it works. And since I can't find a solution to the problem i think ill settle with my current solution (unless someone knows its a very bad idea). I later also managed to install SkyRe + ASIS with this method which made me quite content.
  8. I am having problems with running skyproc patchers through MO. It works fine to run them on their own and it also works fine to run them through MO, the problem is that patcher can only see the files from its own package. For example when i run SUM the program in it self works fine but i cant see any other packages, or if I run the AV patcher I can only see the three packages that are included in the AV mod (Bellyaches Animals, InsanitySorrow, Sounaipr AV Ports) but no others. I am running the patcher through MO as instructed in the guide. I have carefully followed the guide. When I installed the AV mods and dual sheath I installed them just like any other mods, and I can see in the "data tab" that all the file structure seems good (for example in "SkyProc Patchers\Automatic Variants\AV Packages" StarX AV Package exists). I am running Java SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_21-b11) on a Windows 8 machine. I have also checked all the troubleshooting here https://afterimagemetal.com/SkyProc/SUM%20Readme.html#troubleshooting Any help would be appreciated. Thank You
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