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Everything posted by BaiBaihe

  1. @Dragonborn Well since you just locked my topic.... actually I DIDN'T "already post this info in another topic". I had actually already made that topic and then after saw this one. Check the times. Figured I just post that information to the OP here because it's not likely the OP would see/view the one I made. So I just wanted to help them out with something more simple. But yeah... thanks for completely skipping over my question about discord, being kind of a jerk, and locking my thread. I saw the post for 1.3.15 already when I was browsing around after my thread was made, but... don't really feel like downloading 1.3.15 atm and moving all my mods over it and all that hours of work. The "hack" does just fine and only took less than a minute. So for lazy people like me, that "hack", as you call it; works well, it's easy, and fast. I really don't care if you ban me now just because I called you a jerk. Have fun with your power trip and hope it makes you feel better. I practically never even come here. My last post was what? Three years ago? Lol. I don't care for rude moderators. Have a good one. I'm out. P.S. I will never see your reply. I already deleted this forum off my bookmarks... guess it's time to lock this topic now too. XD!
  2. If you haven't switch to MO2 yet, you can do a quick fix for MO v1.3.11 by reading this: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/8ibbu4/classic_login_fix_for_mo1nmm_no_update_needed/ It only takes a minute. I did it and it works. MO now connects to Nexus again.
  3. Anyone not able to login into Nexus from MO v1.3.11 can simply fix it by doing these steps here: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/8ibbu4/classic_login_fix_for_mo1nmm_no_update_needed/ I already did it and MO now logs into Nexus again. It's just adding a line to the bottom of the host file and you're done. Will take less than a minute and you don't need to update/switch to MO2. As for the MO discord, I don't know if this forum is even active anymore but the current link on the official post for it doesn't work because it's expired. If anyone could send me an invite and/or make another link that doesn't expire, that would be great. I would like to let people know in the discord of the easy fix if they wish to continue using MO v1.3.11.
  4. Ooh yay. You actually got to read this. ;) Anyway, I was chatting with some people and someone posted that the values for the horse camera don't work? Or at least do work anymore?: fOverShoulderHorseAddY=fOverShoulderHorsePosZ=fOverShoulderHorsePosX= Is this true or false? I'm in a bit of a rut right now to test it myself. I'm hoping someone could answer sooner than I can get around to testing it out. If not, probably this weekend I may have time to test it out.
  5. fOverShoulderAddY=0.0 I noticed this value on STEP and GamerPoets video "Skyrim : ini Tweaks : Part 2 : Works for All". I already posted to GamerPoets and he advised I mention this value to STEP as well. fOverShoulderAddY=0.0 isn't a value that actually works. You can change it to -500 or 500 and it won't do anything. If you want the camera defaulted to be zoom away/back from your player a bit, you can use fVanityModeMinDist=155. 155 is default I believe, so you'll have to use higher number to zoom the camera out, such as fVanityModeMinDist=255. All this actually does is push the camera back and makes it so that value is as close as your camera can get to your player. Once you hit that 255 point, the camera won't be able to get any closer to your player. I found this value from a mod on Nexus called Customizable Camera. I use a controller and wanted my cameras main default camera position (3rd person) further back from player. I don't like how close it always gets. I was able to obtain the perfect position for me with STEP and Customizable Camera .ini tweak values. Here are more [Camera] tweak values if anyone wants to play around with them without using/adding another mod/.esp. fOverShoulderPosZfOverShoulderPosXfOverShoulderCombatAddYfOverShoulderCombatPosZfOverShoulderCombatPosXfMouseWheelZoomSpeedfMouseWheelZoomIncrementfVanityModeMinDistfVanityModeMaxDistfPitchZoomOutMaxDistfDefaultWorldFOVfDefault1stPersonFOVfDefaultFOVfShoulderDollySpeed Ooh and thanks to Michael from GamerPoets, I also just learned today that my controller CAN zoom the camera in and out... after 1500 hours of Skyrim game playing. Lol? :/ I had thought it could only toggle POV from two points; 3rd and 1st person. There's no zoom control option in your Control Options Menu when you use a controller. There is one though when using a mouse and keyboard. So for anyone else using a controller and don't know this, you CAN zoom your camera in and out. For me, I have to HOLD DOWN the Right Stick (RS) and move the Left Stick (LS) up or down for zooming. I hope this helps some people if using [Camera] in their Skyrim.ini file. If my testing with that fOverShoulderAddY=0.0 value is correct and it indeed does nothing. Then hopefully STEP will correct it and omit it from the .ini tweaks for people which can be found HERE.
  6. https://youtu.be/KD-StaBzXaI?list=PLE7DlYarj-DcLS9LyjEqOJwFUQIIQewcK - Gopher: Mod Organizer #6 - Beyond Nexus Mod Manager Don't know if you have resolved your issue with NMM and MO or not. If not, you can watch this video on the "how to" in which you're asking. This video is about an hour long and I do suggest you watch the whole thing. 01:24 Using NMM and MO together09:22 Migrating from NMM to MO12:40 Backing up your NMM mods16:08 Import from NMM tool27:09 Restoring NMM mods and setup29:57 Manual Migration from NMM to MO
  7. I'm having this problem as well with the animations being a bit messed up with that T pose. Has anyone have a fix to this? EDIT: I was originally moving the files created from the "GenerateFNISforUseres.exe" that were created into the overwrite section of MO into the "Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FINS" file on the left side of MO. I re-installed the FNIS mod and ran the "GenerateFNISforUseres.exe" through MO again to create new files in the overwrite section. This time, instead of moving them into the already existing file, I used the "create mod" option and named it FNIS. Then I just place it below all the other animations in my left side priority order. I went into game and it seemed to have fixed the problem for me.
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