@Dragonborn Well since you just locked my topic.... actually I DIDN'T "already post this info in another topic". I had actually already made that topic and then after saw this one. Check the times. Figured I just post that information to the OP here because it's not likely the OP would see/view the one I made. So I just wanted to help them out with something more simple. But yeah... thanks for completely skipping over my question about discord, being kind of a jerk, and locking my thread. I saw the post for 1.3.15 already when I was browsing around after my thread was made, but... don't really feel like downloading 1.3.15 atm and moving all my mods over it and all that hours of work. The "hack" does just fine and only took less than a minute. So for lazy people like me, that "hack", as you call it; works well, it's easy, and fast. I really don't care if you ban me now just because I called you a jerk. Have fun with your power trip and hope it makes you feel better. I practically never even come here. My last post was what? Three years ago? Lol. I don't care for rude moderators. Have a good one. I'm out. P.S. I will never see your reply. I already deleted this forum off my bookmarks... guess it's time to lock this topic now too. XD!