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  1. I have a problem with textures only popping in when I get very close to them. I have all the basic option set to max but still get these ugly textures. Examples when I get close enough the nicer texture will eventual pop up is there a mod or ini setting I can use to fix this? I tried a few HD LoD and 2k texture packs but none of them seemed to help. Any helpful advice would be appreciated.
  2. Sure it's actually very simple and was more likely an error on my part. I moved the installed MO back to its storage disk, deleted everything related to it on the computer and then reinstalled MO fresh, let it set up and then started a totally new game just to make sure it worked, it did and it created a new default profile that was completely clean with no mods. After that I copied all the files from inside the Mod folder, download folder and the profile folder into their respective folders in the newly installed MO. It recognized them all after that and all my old saves and settings work fine. I hope that's helpful.
  3. Never mind I fixed the issue.
  4. So I recently got a new computer with windows 10, I was working from windows 8.1 on my old system. I saved MO and moved the whole thing to the new system, everything seems fine until I try to load a game (or start a new game) then it tells me I'm missing all the mods including the basic Skyrim and all the DLCs. I'm pretty sure this has something to do with the profile system but I don't know what. Everything is checked in MO but once it starts it's like it ignores everything. Any advice would be much appreciated. Just to be clear I installed everything not included in MO like SKSE and the DLL for the ENB I use.
  5. Thank you for your reply. I figured out a way to fix my problem I just used a differnt cloned profile and updated FNIS and the animations there, but now I have no idea how the problem is happening in the other profile. As far as I can tell they're identical but some of them give me the glitch and some don't, can a profile become corrupted?
  6. I'm getting a strange error with the new FNIS 6.0. It seems to happen if I have any non FNIS animation mods installed (like YY or Pretty combat animations.) Once I get the 53 error it wont finish, However if I leave the error tool in my mod organizer over ride folder and run FNIS again I don't seem to get any errors. Is this normal? The error started after I updated to 6.0 but reverting to an old version of FNIS doesn't seem to help. ERROR(53): Could not find file 'C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\data\meshes\actors\character\behaviors\0_master.hkx'.
  7. I tried that with varying degrees of success a number of the mod found information but didn't change from the hard to identify version .01 or what have you. Thank you but I have the download meta information checked and it doesn't solve the problem I was having.While using Nexus Mod Manager all the files I had were clearly named and categorized. What I was asking was if there was a way to import those helpful descriptions and categories into Mod Organizer? I understand if the answer is no but there were several that popped up like that so I wanted to ask.
  8. Hi I just switched to using MO from NMM and I have a question I couldn't find a answer to. I transferred my archive of mods over to MO but they don't have any meaningful descriptions on the download section, I can query info on some but not all of them and am left with confusing names like version 1.01555671. Is there anyway to import the names, categories and descriptions from NMM over to MO?
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