Reinstalled MO to replay FNV and starting installing mods and such and this error code 8 shows up. I installed all the optional "More Perks" mods and when i try to install the main file i get "None of the available installer plugins were able to handle that archive". I'm a little at loss because when i played through FNV last (about a year ago with FNV + MO) this wasn't an issue. Thoughts?
Yeah i noticed this too. Try right clicking on the mod and seeing if you can get its info from there and then rename it accordingly. I've had to do this with several mods
There's no ESP or anything with it so it's just textures. I had it working before, but then I made a new profile (with it checked) and now it's not working : /. Here's the mod if you're curious. I like it cause it makes the women easier on the eyes without being too obtrusive
So i had all my mods installed initially and I was fine tuning and I noticed that Bella's better females faces weren't showing up in game, and sure enough I I looked through the plugins and the mod wasn't there despite being checked off. I re installed and tried to make a brand new profile but no dice. Pic below shows that better magic is showing up on my plugins tab but Bella's isnt.... any help?