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Everything posted by Amyr

  1. I actually tried K ENB at 4K with some tweaks of course(otherwise it's impossbile to run), even my pitiful 280X Toxic managed to give me around 10-18 FPS in outdoors. I'm assuming these badboys can handle 4K quite well, especially with SLI. And also I made some changes in my ini files, draw distance was huge, uGrids was 9 and etc... Even then managed to get around 15FPS at Whiterun outdoors. A new era for Skyrim has begun :P
  2. It's totally my dream GPU, everything I could ask for. Gonna make an SLI of 970 and enjoy 4K downsampled Skyrim.
  3. In the section of 3.B.1. Optimize FOV, it says that adding fov tweaks into ini files does not persist and therefore it should be done via console ingame. I didn't quiet get what does not "persist". I have these lines in my Skyrim.INI under Display section; fDefault1stPersonFOV=81.0000 fDefaultWorldFOV=81.0000 fDefaultFOV=81.0000 I've been playing every save with these INI tweaks for the last year and I didn't have to make any changes since than. Am I missing something here? These values were 65 in the default.ini(the one that you get by typing saveini on a fresh game) and then I just changed it to 81 and it works. I never had to type fov 81 ingame with these tweaks. I usually play in first person. P.S. Excuse me for my poor English.
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