Yay, downloading meta data gives the default mod names. Thank you for your advices. Because of swiching from NMM, the downloads tab shows more than 500 files and I want to find some files first by using their names. But I do not remember their file names. But...I cannot use category in Nexusmods?
I am trying to swich to Mod Organizer from Nexus Mod Manager. But I am afraid that MO lacks some features NMM has. The "downloads" tag in the right column of MO shows the mods only with their file names. NMM shows the mods with their originaly names and categorizes the mods according to their category registered in Nexusmods site. Can MO do that? For example, the mod originally named "Interesting NPCs" has the file name "3DNPC vxxx.7z" and this is very confusing.