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Everything posted by alocrius

  1. How do you get loot, internal or external to see Mod Organizer's mods instead of the default skyrim installation path? Couldn't find any info on how to use loot with mod organizer either.
  2. These two aren't agreeing and as soon as I'm done running boss, Mod Organizer gives a dire warning it needs to change a bunch of stuff. However Mod Organizer won't keep the changes I allow it to make even after deleting boss ini files. I can't get it to stop telling me it needs to reorder things is the problem. This is in regard to the beta fix warning option. Anybody know how I can get these Mod Organizer changes to stick because the changes seem to undo after each game start even if I don't run boss. Thanks for any help.
  3. I was more specifically concerned that it literally wouldn't see my other mods after installation and not do what other mods do which is be aware of overwrite/overwritten info.
  4. Does anyone know what the installer warning signifies when it says M.O. won't recognize other mods? It recognizes them after installation I take it?
  5. I know I install bsa's and I also get the "dummy esp" message about how M.O. is archiving my bsa's but they randomly appear and disappear in the archive window as I mod. I don't understand why who what or how this is logical. As of now none of the many bsa files I have installed show up in archive window but my game is running them fine. Thank you for any clarification on this confusing subject.
  6. Do I unpack the main Skyrim esm or bsa or both to find these files? I was looking for them in my Skyrim Mod Combiner mod but I couldn't find them all. Thanks for the info. Edit: I checked the main Skyrim Texture bsa and I'm still no wiser. Is there any positive way to identify textures in the game?.. I tried using the console but doesn't seem to work on terrain..
  7. I'm trying to replace the main grass or shrub/bush in the fields outside Whiterun with something less heinous. Unfortunately I can't identify it after much searching. Could a texture wizard please help me? I'm speaking of the main clumpy ugly shrub that is predominant everywhere outside Whiterun. You can't miss it. I don't know it's name but I can't wait to find out. Thanks for any help with this. I've gone through every .dds file I can and I can't seem to identify it. Bonus points if you can identify any of the ground texture names outside Whiterun too. I've replaced all of them except for one I can't seem to identify..
  8. I can see a lot of people making this mistake who are just trying to mod skyrim and dont have familiarity with ddsopt/mod creation.
  9. I just left a comment there, so thanks again.. another quick question, now that I have those bsa's in the folder can I just extract them there for the desired effect? Or should I start over..
  10. You're awesome dude. Thanks!!
  11. I just made this mistake because I wasn't aware of the "use folder" detail. For noobs trying to overcome the technical difficulties of learning how to mod Skyrim properly I beseech you to add this detail into the guide. I have spent way too much time trying to figure out what was supposed to be happening during the ddsopt part of neovalens guide. It's the most confusing part of the entire guide and warrants a bit more explanation in my opinion.. along the lines of Addicted's comment that you will be unpacking the bsa's into loose folders. Would be huge.
  12. I'm confused about the file naming process in the following steps. I am to optimize the high-res dlc, and put it into it's separate mod folder(s). But then I apply another optimization from the same original high-res bsa and put it into the same output folder per instructions. My confusion is what do I name each of the respective bsa files.. I am assuming there should be two separate files in the output path but since they are important bsa files I don't know what to call them because it isn't crystal clear to me yet how all these files overwrite original files.. and how or why they do or dont get checked in the plugin and archive windows.. I hope to god someone can demystify this for me. Thank you for any help. Here is the instruction snippet: Now that the vanilla assets have been optimized, a different process will be used for the HRDLC to conserve VRAM. The HRDLC consists of 2048 textures and normal maps, the normal maps can be halved in size to save VRAM without noticeable quality loss (unless your REALLY looking for it). Perform the following: Execute the DDSOpt tool. *Note: Do NOT run this through Mod Organizer. DO run this as an Administrator.* Click the [browse] button near the top text-box and select the HighResTexturePack01.bsa in the Skyrim/Data folder. Click the [browse] button near the bottom text-box and select <Mod Organizer Path>/mods/HRDLC1 Optimized as the output directory. Check the "Show Recursive" box below the center text-box. Click the red [X] to deselect all files. In the center text box, type "*.dds" and then click [Apply]. Click the green checkmark to select all filtered files. In the center text box, type "*_n.dds" and then click [Apply]. Click the red [X] to deselect all files. In the center text box, type "*_msn.dds" and then click [Apply]. Click the red [X] to deselect all files. Clear the center text box and click [Apply]. Click the [Process] button in the bottom right corner. Here's the confusing part!! I assume the first file was called by the same name as the original bsa, correct?.. what am I calling this next file since it goes to the same output path? I'm making the assumption that it does in fact matter what I name these files.. as they are replacing originals correct? So when i name the second file do I just make any name and it will still work? After this process is complete only the colormap texture .dds files were processed. To process the normal maps to half size, perform the following: Execute the DDSOpt tool. *Note: Do NOT run this through Mod Organizer. DO run this as an Administrator.* Click the [browse] button near the top text-box and select the HighResTexturePack01.bsa in the Skyrim/Data folder. Click the [browse] button near the bottom text-box and select <Mod Organizer Path>/mods/HRDLC1 Optimized as the output directory. Check the "Show Recursive" box below the center text-box. Click the red [X] to deselect all files. In the center text box, type "*_n.dds" and then click [Apply]. Click the green checkmark to select all filtered files. In the center text box, type "*_msn.dds" and then click [Apply]. Click the green checkmark to select all filtered files. Clear the center text box and click [Apply]. Open the "Constraints" tab and select "1024x1024" in the available drop downs for "Resolution Limit". Click the [Process] button in the bottom right corner. After processing has completed, select "8192x8192" in the available drop downs for "Resolution Limit". Repeat both the colormap texture and normal map processes for the HighResTexturePack02.bsa and HighResTexturePack03.bsa. Once this is completed, perform the following steps:
  13. In my case CBBE installs fine for but I also get the warning "external installer mod organizer won't recognize.. bla bla.." What explicitly does this warning signify? Is this going to cause problems down the road since Mod Organizer isn't recognizing it.. or does it in fact recognize the mod files once they are installed? Sincerely yours, Confused
  14. yes but what if you wanted to use the bodyslide option that is supposed to install to the data folder? Cant access the virtual data folder in MO..
  15. Per your instructions, would those cleaned esm's get a check inside the plugins window? Because they have the same name as the originals so is that one check in the plugins accounting for the original and the cleaned.. do you see where my confusion is? I guess i dont understand what the plugins window is doing.
  16. Yeah, sorry, wrong section. Thanks for the links.
  17. This is something I'm confused about. Paricularly this part of the Neovalens guide for cleaning the main esm's: Start Mod Organizer. Select "TES5Edit" from the drop down above the right pane and click [Run]. Right-click inside the file listing and select "None". Check the box adjacent to Update.esm and click [OK]. Wait for the message "Background Loader: finished" to appear in the right pane. Right-click Update.esm and select "Apply Filter For Cleaning". Wait for the message "[Filtering Done]" to appear in the right pane. Right-click Update.esm and select "Remove Identical To Master Records". Wait for the message "[Removing Identical to Master records done]". Right-click Update.esm and select "Undelete and Disable References". Wait for the message "[undeleting and Disabling References done]". Click the [X] on the title bar to close TES5Edit. Verify the box adjacent to Update.esm is checked and also that "Backup Plugins" is checked then click [OK]. Update.esm has now been cleaned, meaning that any improperly removed records or edited records that were identical to the base Skyrim.esm file have been fixed. Repeat the process above for all of the DLC ESMs in order selecting only one at a time. Do NOT attempt to clean Skyrim.esm itself. what does this mean. Do the cleaned vanilla esm's get checked in plugins of actual mod organizer plug-in window? Seems they dont if I want skse to launch, so what exactly are these files doing and how do you activate them and what EXACTLY are these files supposed to be named as you create them because the guide doesn't specify and it's a bit confusing..? I know this is a weird question just thought someone here might be able to enlighten me. Thanks for any help.
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