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  1. This may be a goofy question, so sorry. Thank you for any assistance offered. When I open Inspector the Main Page doesn't open and instead it proceeds to the Profile page. Is this just how it functions now? Or am I unable to figure out how to open Main Page. Is this no longer a thing? I'm referring the the overclocking/card info page in the screenshot below. https://photos.app.goo.gl/7bzHeEtRMZhx6Voe9 Thank you again. I appreciate the help.
  2. I found an updated version of MO2 that apparently has solved the problem. Thank you again.
  3. Thank you for the help. I will check that out.
  4. Thank you for replying GrantSP. I cannot make heads or tales of the Discord link you provided. Is that a place to ask questions? Is this not a place to ask questions? Oh I'm so confused..
  5. UPDATE - I have changed to the Portable version of MO2 and everything is now working except Wrye Bash, when I attempt to run it from within MO2.
  6. I have had more weird issues in the last two weeks than ever before with any of these utilities, both with Skyrim SE and Fallout 4. It's making me nuts. A bit. Basically everything worked find a few weeks ago, and then I was unable to use LOOT, Wrye Bash, or Xedit from within Mod Organizer. I switched to the Portable version of MO2 and now everything is working, except Wrye Bash. The current problem is occurring as I attempt to get Fallout 4 set up. Wrye Bash does run from it's executable outside MO2. I have tried all the versions of WB except Python. Everything is current. When I link it in Mod Organizer 2 it sort of starts to load (I see the Wrye Bash logo for a second) and then it doesn't. I think I've configured Modify Executable properly, and the install is the recommended type and has never been an issue before. I could certainly use some assistance, and I would greatly appreciate any offered. Thank you.
  7. Thanks for replying GrantSP. No, nothing like that going on. I did so just in case, and verified my files through Steam. I don't think that's the issue. Still seeking help with this strangeness.
  8. I hope this is the correct place to post this. This is bizarre. A week ago I had a working installation of Skyrim SE installed with Mod Organizer 2.1.1 on Windows 10. All components and programs are current. Today when I returned to the game none of the peripheral tools - LOOT, Wrye Bash, SSEEdit - are detecting any of the mods I've installed. LOOT is still reporting I need to clean the masters, which I have already done. Mod Organizer is able to see everything, I can still start the game with SKSE and all the mods appear to be fine. The only thing listed in the mods section of all the tools are the masters, the Bethesda DLC, and the Bashed Patch. This effect is present whether I start the tools through MO or not. I do not have Game Bar or any Xbox selected or operational on my system, nor am I enrolled in the Windows Insider program. This installation of Windows 10 is actually less than a month old. Clearly something has been modified on my system, perhaps during a cleaning or anti-virus scan, but those elements have not caused this issue before. I am aware there are logs that might help and I would be happy to provide them if you tell me what you need. Thank you in advance for any assistance offered.
  9. That's so weird. I thought it might be an anti-virus or something, but I shut all that off and even uninstalled Webroot and it had no effect. In any event, I appreciate the information and your assistance. Thank you.
  10. So, is that a yes? I should use SSEdit?
  11. Thanks Grant.
  12. Thank you The antipodean. I have not start this new installation with anything but the Skyrim launcher. That's all I've ever used. I have rebooted numerous times during this process. This is really odd. I have been modding the game for years and I've never experienced anything like this. I am glad to have you help. Thank you.
  13. Follow up question - is there any reason I should not use SSEEdit_3da194b? I just downloaded it, and it finds the registry with no problems. Can I use SSEEdit_3da194b?
  14. Thank you for respoding hishutup. I have tried your suggestion numerous times and it has not resolved the issue. I also tried a total uninstall, removing all traces of the game, and upon re-installing the problem persists. This is now occurring on a 100% freshly installed Vanilla game. All the other Skyrim tools and the game itself are working without incident. I am using version TES5Edit 3.2-25859-3-2. Thank you again for your assistance.
  15. I am getting an error with TES5EDIT. I have initialized it, waiting until the intro was completed just to be sure. I have never encounter any issues with the program previously, but it's been a while since I played Skyrim and I'm wondering if I forgot to do something. The image below is what I'm seeing when I run the .exe regardless of location on my PC. Any assistance offered would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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