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Everything posted by Flickers

  1. Yes, it was my fault. STEP instructs to install mod NGIO plus the plugin Grass Generation MO2 Plugin v#.# Here I took Grass Generation MO2 Plugin V2 VR instead of Grass Generation MO2 Plugin V3.1. Just let me ask, is it important to recreate the Grass Cache again with V3.1 or can I use the created by V2 ? I am hesitating to create a new grass cache after it seems it is running now.
  2. Hi, opening the GrassPreachery.py in my installation I found these lines --------- def _startGame_and_wait(self): gameFolder: QDir = self._organizer.managedGame().gameDirectory() sksePath = gameFolder.absoluteFilePath("sksevr_loader.exe") appHandle = self._organizer.startApplication(sksePath, ["-forcesteamloader"]) --------- So this seems pretty close to the middle picture you sent and I assume it is the relevant line for pointing to the wrong file. Being honest I already found a workaround last night without knowing about your answer. I just copied the skse64_loader.exe and renamed it into the vr version which made MO2 happy and seems result is fine as well. Please excuse if I do not check again with your new code but not sure what a 2nd run of Grass Generation will create. Your question : "It sounds like you may have an outdated version of Grass Generation MO2 Plugin v3.1." I didn't downloaded a separate plugins for MO2 it was all included. So I have no clue which version is the used plugin. I downloaded MO2 at 12/26/2024 from Nexus and file name was "Mod Organizer 2-6194-2-5-2-1722760304.exe" perhaps this helps to understand which version is/was contained. If the version number is important please help where I can find it and I will provide it to you. However, thank you for good and fast answer. If my workaround would not have been successful, your point with GrassPrecacher.py would help.
  3. Hello, I like the STEP MODIFICATION approach to bring Skyrim to another level so I was thinking to give it a try but unfortunately I am failing with STEP 5 - Grass Cache. Using Mod Manager 2 V2.5.2 I followed all steps in the STEP guide reaching STEP 5 in which I shall activate the button "tools" in the MO2 UI (grey and red puzzle piece) and select the last entry "Precache Grass". I get a message that this can take long, OK, and another message "prepare VFS", OK, and then the error : => sksevr_loader.exe cannot be started - the file c:\games\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\sksevr_loader.exe does not exist. <= Yes, it does not exist. In my directory I find the skse64_loader.exe coming for SKSE but no vr-version. And what I read about the VR version I do not need it because I do not use VR. I installed Skyrim AE from steam including Creation Club, I followed the STEP guide 1-4 precicely using all patches listed there. I didn't change anything, no additional mods, no changes in configurations, markers etc. In MO2 all mods on the left part are activated, all plugins on the right side are activated, I do not have any errors like missing markes etc. Now starting STEP 5 Grass Cache a Stop. Starting Skyrim with skse64_loader brings up a message about a missing grass cache but gives me the option the start a new game which I didn't do because I didn't finish the guide. However the message fits to my problem with generating the grass cache. So the question is a) Is the sksevr_loader.exe file correct in this case ? And if no what should be the right file ? b) How can I configure MO2 to use the right file ? c) Is there a workaround ? The Skyrim game tells me to provide a "prepared" grass cache from "somewhere". Not sure that it is that easy ? e) Maybe this comes with the new version 2.5.2 of MO 2. I assume the guide was written with 2.5.0. If yes, can I just reinstall the older 2.5.0 version over the existing one (downgrade) ? Any other ideas how to solve this ?
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