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Everything posted by jvlkurk

  1. Smile44, since you seem to know a lot about requiem. Can you tell me if requiem plays fine with added armor packs as long I load them before requiem? Already added immersive weapons and armors incl the requiem patches, but since those 2 had some patches for requiem do other armor mods also need patches to work alright with requiem?
  2. Didn't know that, also did not encounter any strange things with it enabled. I still had it in my mod list because of previous cot install, will turn it off and see how it looks without it. Thx for noticing.
  3. Thx for the reply. I'm already running the beta of RCRN AE for a couple of days now, swapped it for COT and it's a great replacement imo. Also Skyrim immersive thunder works great with rcrn ae. Btw I use this Enb for it. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23765/? It looks great with RCRN and keeps that vanilla look....also works great with ELFX + The enhancer right out of the box. Previous enb I used was realvision but that was a little too colorfull for my taste.
  4. Smille44 why do you use reproccer in your mods list? isn't that more for skyre? And what do you think about Enhanced blood textures with Requiem?
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