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  1. After some testing, I came to realize the buff from enchanting while using potion enchanting buffs is not linear, and comes to the point where it only increases by 1%, I stopped when I saw that. After making ebony gear with health and stam buffs with elemental damage reduction etc, NO potions, at the start of the game I feel powerful but one guy with an ice blizzard ability still rocked my world instantly so I guess I'm not as OP as I thought. I am heavy hitting a giant 3 times and they go down. And they barely budge my health... 100 mag, 486 health, 680 stam lvl 42.
  2. Well I should explain that I looked up what the "cap" is with the USSEP patch but nobody, can seem to give a legitimate answer as everyone got different values somehow. And I already farmed for it lol. But I didnt expect the values to go up so high! I could just not upgrade but my worry is I am unsure how the difficulty is affected by mods in this guide. Ive been running legendary and getting one tapped by anything but slowly making it through. Thank you though, maybe Ill just create low buff number and keep playing.
  3. I guess what I mean to say is, how can I get it so I dont break the game with this lol, I don't want to be TOO op
  4. I thought this was patched. Use potion that increases enchanting, enchant gear with alchemy bonus, put on gear, create potion with higher level of enchanting, etc etc... I did 3 rotations and my potion increases enchanting by 151 right now. And my enchanted armor with alchemy is at 69%. Where is the limit? I wanted to be powerful but I didn't want to break the damn game... I thought USSEP patches this.
  5. Painting the picture: Followed STEP guide, have a clean build I want to keep. I want to copy this build, and experiment with it without ruining the original build. So far I have created a separate instance by copying the original instances folders and placing them in the new instances folders. Issue: Compare images from screen. It seems every time I start a new game, there is still a different hue for the new instance vs the original instance. Question: Do I have to rerun all the tools when I make a new instance? Are there other things to look out for when copying an instance into another instance? Edit: Clarify, I have reran multiple new games in both instances and they each produce the same color difference.
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