Hello! I'm having a dyndolod issue I've never had before. Sorry for the wall of text, but I want to give you guys as much info as possible.
I'm using skyrim version 1.6.640. My texgen output and dyndolod output (together with dyndolod esm, esp and occlusion esp) seems to generate succesfully, but the filesize is just way to small for a list like mine, with an ungodly amount of content. When I go in-game, I see various visual errors which you can see here- floating lod textures, low res textures on many objects, flickering textures everywhere. Typing a tll command fixes every single one of these issues. It's not like dyndolod output is using vanilla assets, but it looks like huge chunks of them are missing. I'm using an Aurora modlist as a base - I know the usual troubleshooting route with wabbajack modlists is to contact the author, but keep in mind that I added more mods to the list than it had at the start, and I deleted its dyndolod&texgen output, occlusion, dyndolod resources, dyndolod programme and dyndolod DLL NG before doing a fresh install of everything and trying to generate LOD by myself.
I also had to move the list to another disc, which caused me some issues with texgen and dyndolod reading only a plugin list of my base game install, not MO2's (I'm using a stock game with my modlist), but I did fix it with proper executable arguments shown here. I'm wondering if maybe I'm supposed to do something more than changing executable's settings in MO2. I know my modlist is an absolute horror to get through, but maybe someone here has an idea on what to do. thanks for all the help in advance.
debug texgen log texgen log
dyndolod log dyndolod debug log