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  1. Sorry my debug logs were 28mbs and I couldn't find a pastebin service to host them. I am running the latest xedit build 4.1.5c, when I load all my mods I get stuff like and no pop-up message. As for the other error, since xedit is still logging this (just as a warning) I think that it's either a problem with the mod file (I cleaned it so maybe somehow that's it) or xedit, so I'll move to the xedit discord about it
  2. Hello, I am using Skyrim VR with new game files (from the newest AE) (as in everything but SkyrimVR.esm is from the newest AE version so as far as plugins are concerned there should be no difference between AE and VR (except SkyrimVR.esm) and the backported esl support however I am getting errors like Error: Record [STAT:0000000B] in file _ResourcePack.esl is being overridden by record [REFR:0000000B] in file morthal.esp. These errors can cause CTD and other serious issues and need to be fixed. Where the formid is in the new expanded range. I believe this is because DynDOLOD/TexGen are not aware VR can load the extended ESLs now. But I don't know if this causes issues. Also I am getting strange error with DynDOLOD <Error: Unresolved FormID [0F00091C] Error in cctwbsse001-puzzledungeon.esm DLCDwarvenPuzzleDungeon_StaffPedestal "Altar of the Seasons" [ACTI:0F000883]> which is strange to me because I have all masters of that file and it is official besthda content. I checked this formid in xedit and it does not appear to exist at all. Maybe it is related to the above. Attached bellow are my logs https://gist.github.com/duplexsystem/cf38acfc2640bb1749764922bfe56c2f
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