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Everything posted by Andeerson

  1. thanks! my fps is stable now! it was definitely the AA Mods, i underestimated the "performance hit" part of the description of it so i tried not following the guide when installing that mod haha, thank you very much again to you two!
  2. sorry, i'm still new to the terms, but what AA LODs? which mods are they? and at what separator (in MO) are they found in? i'll try to double check them and re-run the whole Step 7 again if needed. the only LOD i can think of is xLODGen and DynDOLOD
  3. Riften fishery area, i already benchmarked my fps and i was averaging around 120 both interior and exterior while following the guide, so i thought i was good to go already, i am using the step heavy enb preset, with it off, i gain about 5 fps only, so i'm sure it's not an ENB issue. though one of the tree mods in the list i chose the "autumn variation" setting so i would get orange/yellow leaves in some trees so i think that might be the cause?
  4. you're actually right, for some reason it's the only one that's not enabled in my ini, everything else is already set-up lol. but i'm facing another problem now which is i get insane fps drops from some areas, i average around 110 fps and then some areas just dip my fps down to 20, what might be the cause??
  5. yeah, the screenshot i posted, the floating road went away after i turned occlusion esp on. but when i went futher through the map the issue started happening again. and yes i disabled temp cathedral landscapes after the xLODGen part of step 7. im currently browsing for people with similar issues right now
  6. okay i thought occlusion esp fixed it, apparently it still happens on different parts of the map, do i have to redownload the whole step thing again?
  7. oh, nevermind, turns out i have to enable Occlusion.esp in the mod organizer (the guide didn't say anything about turning it on so i just left it off lol)
  8. hey all, just finished setting up step skyrim after agonizing for 2 days. everything seems to run fine but my road textures look weird. i can pass through them but its just so disorienting to look at. what can i do to fix this?
  9. what am i doing wrong, i'm sure i read everything correctly (i take like 1 minute reading every step to ensure no mistakes) only when i enable the Cleaned Vanilla Masters mod everything seems to work again. is it supposed to be this way?
  10. Thanks, the game ran perfectly even with the mod disabled but I still wanted to make it work and your solution helped me, right now I'm just facing a problem with the ENB being too dark for my eyes to see lol, thanks again!
  11. Hey all, first time skyrim modder here, I was following the STEP guide to mod my skyrim and when I got to launching SKSE in Step 4, Part 02 - Extenders, there would be a few seconds of black screen and the game would close, I eventually found out that the mod called "Scaleform Translation Plus Plus NG" was whats causing the crash, with it disabled, my SKSE launches perfectly, I currently still have it in my MO but it's disabled for now, what do I do with it? can I still proceed and follow the guide?
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