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Hi Sheson - I messaged over the weekend, I was the guy who had DynDOLOD running for 17 hours and output at 424 GB. I said I would come back and tell you how it went - in the end, I couldnt get it to run as 7Zip was taking an hour just to zip the damn thing. I re-ran everything from scratch, using more sensible settings for Grass LOD, and now my uncompressed DynDOLOD output folder is only 296GB The game runs buttery smooth, and the grass LOD looks great. However, I have one issue - the Map just shows Terrain, there are no objects - see this example. That would be Whiterun, which should be next to the river, but clearly it isnt there. The game is fine otherwise. I know I should upload the log and the debug log - thing is, I did another run of Execute Lodgon on a worldspace, so the log for the main run is overwritten. Any ideas, or should I just redo from scratch? Attaching the log.txt anyways in case it is any help. DynDOLOD_SSE_log.txt
So in the image, the Output folder is listed as MO2\tools\Dyndolod\Dyndolod_output. That's the folder where the output from my first run went. I changed that to another folder outside MO2, called testoutput. After working out how Execute Lodgen works, I tried to change the output folder back from testoutput to the first one, and that's when I got the error message. No, there isn't anything other than the folders and the esm and esps. The testoutput folder now has Meshes, Seasons, SKSE, and tesxtures folders, as well as Dyndolod.esm, Dyndolod.esp and Occlusion.esp, all generated from running Execute Lodgen for just Tamriel SUM. Do i copy this all back into MO2\tools\Dyndolod\Dyndolod_Output, where the rest of the worldspaces are? Both folders and files? Or folders only?
Thanks, I think we crossed messages, I will copy over the files to the original output folder. It just says: <Error: Path not allowed E:\Purush\tools\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\> Resetting not allowed path to E:\Purush\tools\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\ The CLI window that opens also shows that the files are being written to the new folder which I want to change back from I have uploaded that file to the google drive folder. It uhh... I think it says it took ~12 hours? Once I finish Tamriel SUM I will compress and install and see how the game plays and report back
well.. crap. Like I said, I used the STEP settings from here (Grass) and here (DynDOLOD). I don't know enough to muck about with those settings. I haven't actually tried to play with them. Could the size not be a function of 25 worldspaces with the majority having seasons? Yeah, I worked out too late that I needed to run Execute LODGen, so tried to restart, but well, see above post - I am not being allowed to select the original output folder for the new run. Any ideas?
When I click `Execute LODGen`, the Expert mode window doesn't close. See this image:. Also, for watever reason, DynDOLOD is not letting me reset the path back to the old Output folder. Still writing to the secondary folder i created.
I figued given the extra worldspaces, and seasons, and grass LODS, it would take longer? The process didn't freeze at any point. I am using the STEP settings, and hitting the Medium button. Hardware is 5800x3D and 3080. 32 Gigs of memory. My DynDOLOD_Output folder is 424 GB. Uncompressed, obvs. No idea if that is normal or not, but suspect not . Task manager reported plenty of times where 100% of CPU and 100% of RAM were being used. > Was there not a message with a Click on this link for additional explanations and help for this message that opens https://dyndolod.info/Messages/LODGen-Failed-To-Generate-Object-LOD at the end? See Expert Mode how to execute LODGen again for a worldspace to complete object LOD generation. There was, and I am 26 minutes into generating Object LOD for Tamriel SUM as I write this. I wasn't sure if this would overwrite my previous DynDOLOD output, so I made a new output folder - assuming I can just merge this with the Old output and it should be ok?
Hi Sheson Using DynDOLOD 3.0 Alpha-169 x64 - Skyrim Special Edition (SSE), with DynDOLOD DLL NG Alpha-23 and DynDOLOD Resources SE3.00 Alpha-49. Trying to generate LODs for a fairly large mod list with new worldspaces (Wyrmstooth, MannyGT, Arnima etc), and Seasons, and Grass Lods with the new NGIO NG. On 1.6.640. Lod gen took the longest it ever has - 16 hours+! - and right at the end, I got an error message, viz. LODGen4Win.exe failed to generate object LOD for Tamriel Sum. I am not sure why this happened, all the other worldspaces and seasons worked fine, and for the Tamriel worldspace all other seasons generated LOD just fine. Hoping you can find the cause. Link to the Logs - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dfRGkkfrW25YraDvNharhFIT0Bq146cF?usp=sharing Do i need to restart the whole process, or is there a way I can just generate the LODs for Tamriel SUM and add it to the already generated LODs?