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Everything posted by Luminariis

  1. I'd moved the game location prior to following STEP while trying to do a custom list and never moved it back-- definitely foolish on my part. I don't see an option to edit the existing instance. Can I safely create a new instance pointed toward the correct path and maintain all downloaded mods? I'm not entirely sure how to correct the folder that the profile and instance are configured to. Thanks again.
  2. That fixed it, thank you. LOOT and SSEEdit now recognize the vanilla plugins again and I'm actually able to launch all the way into the game-- only the game is vanilla. I cleaned and sorted all plugins but the issue persists-- the game window also launches in the top left corner of my screen rather than full screen and cannot be adjusted or moved. LOOT is flagging missing components to SKSE despite my having everything listed in the STEP guide. I've included screenshots of my new Skyrim folder and the LOOT error.
  3. Thank you for the info-- I can see how that causes an issue. I think I read somewhere that Program Files (x86) pose issues when modding tools are placed within them so I copied the Skyrim files to another location outside of that folder-- just by dragging the folder elsewhere. That was the only reason I moved it-- seems obvious in retrospect that it wasn't a good idea. I don't plan to keep both installations if it's not necessary to do so. Can I safely reroute everything to the Skyrim folder within Progam Files (x86) and move the modding files/folders into the Skyrim folder under the Steam installation? Will these work despite being under the (x86) files? Apologies for the obvious questions-- very new to modding.
  4. I've included screenshots and pasted the active load order below-- I can see that it's identifying the plugins here. Please let me know if there's anything I've missed or any additional info to include. I appreciate your help on this! The only thing I've thought of that may have changed is having updated MO2 to the version that was released yesterday, though I, unfortunately, don't exactly recall if LOOT and SSEEdit stopped recognizing the DLC and CC plugins exactly after I'd updated or not. Otherwise, I have no idea what's changed.
  5. I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem, at least. I've included screenshots of my LOOT and xEdit profiles in MO2-- I haven't changed anything since when they were identifying all vanilla and AE plugins, though they've never picked up on mods. Does everything look right here?
  6. Hello! New to modding here and have completed the STEP guide up until the initial benchmarking test. When I launch SKSE, I can get to the loading screen with the Skyrim dragon icon and the loading circle in the bottom right, but that's as far as it goes. It may also be worth noting that the game is not full screen and I can't use my mouse while it's launching-- Windows key also doesn't work. I have to use Task Manager to close it. I'm blaming this on my plugins. I've followed the STEP guide to the letter, but LOOT and xEditAutoClean aren't working for me anymore. Neither recognizes any plugins despite all being enabled. I've included screenshots showing what happens when I launch both programs respectively. I've ran into quite a few issues doing this guide since I'm such an inexperienced modder, but this is the only one I haven't been able to resolve with some extensive Googling. I hoped asking here would lead me to a solution. This is a wonderful guide and this forum has been a very useful resource. Thanks in advance!
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