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  1. Hello Sheson, good afternoon -I do not have any Antivirus other than Windows Defender -I have set the program to be run as admin for all Users including Vortex NMM I have tried to launch Using Vortex and from folder in File Explorer Same result, no GUI I have changed the location and redownloaded and reinstalled to my Video Game local NVME drive Renamed Plugins.SSEViewSettings to Pluginsold.SSEViewSettings ... Annnnd it worked, gonna try to run the Terrain LOD Gen!!!! Well Kinda, it tried to save to the Steam Apps folder, so I updated Vortex NMM with the output path. Had to delete the "Plugins.SSEViewSettings" and then it reopened with the GUI. So nOw it is working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Sheson
  2. Here is the log from SSELODGen 4.1.4b: CUT CONTENT (please do not paste gargantuan amounts of text. Upload to a text/file server or as an attachment) ~ z929669 SSELODGen_log.7z
  3. hOLY CRAP! iTs Sheson, no way dude! I will try all these steps and report with results, thank you Sir!
  4. Guys, I created a Reddit and a STEP Forum account because I simply cannot find a fix. I need help really bad. I am on AE 1.6.xx Full Mod List can be provided but Issue is mostly with xLODGen application -The Issue is with SSE xLODGen 4.1.4b (Ver. 93) (Latest) -The Options menu does not appear after Background Loader is finished Instructions per STEP Guide were followed I followed and downloaded xLODGEN from: https://stepmodifications.org/forum/topic/13451-xlodgen-terrain-lod-beta-93-for-fnv-fo3-fo4-fo4vr-tes5-sse-tes5vr-enderal-enderalse/ I can include screenshots of my xLODGEN executable in MO2, Vortex and the Folders of my xLODGen application and its Output folder I set. -Image of my Executables in MO2 and Vortex: https://imgur.com/a/xnDS8qV The Issue is when I open SSELODGen, it loads all my plugins and says "Finished" but no Menu or Options Window appears. I set an Output path; my command line arguments look good. I don't know what else it possibly could be. It is not in any game folder or directory related, none of it is. I have it in its own directory away from OS and Game directories. I have the latest version of this tool. I attempted to use it today to finally build Terrain LOD for this first time on my current playthrough. I have the Terrain Tamriel ESM installed and placed near the top of my load order as well. DynDOLOD has not been run yet. Literally stuck at the first step. SEELODGen simply will not open its options menu after it is "Finished" loading files Please help, I've been a heavy mod User of the game since 2013, if any questions or troubleshooting steps need to be asked or more information is required, I can easily provide. I can post my SSELODGen Log if needed. Arguments: Target: A:\Documents\SSELODGen\xLODGen\SSELODGenx64.exe Command Line: -sse -o:"A:\Documents\SSELODGen\Output\" I have also tried, -o:"A:\Documents\SSELODGen\Output\"
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