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  1. You gotta be crapping me... sigh alright I got it working now. I have no idea why it didn't work before.... but it works now. I'm using windows 10 so this should be relevent to a few peeps having problems Go to settings, Click update security, on the left panel click Windows Security, Click open windows security, Select Virus and threat protection, under virus and threat protection settings select Manage settings, Scroll down to exclusions and select add and remove exclusions, click Add an exclusion, select folder, find your dyndolod folder and select folder. you may need to do the same for Mod Organiser 2. I had already done this btw, Mod Organiser 2, Dyndolod and Texgen were all selected as files and that seemed to work in the past, I guess we just gotta select it as folders now.
  2. Alright I've added Mod Organiser, Dyndolod and Texgen to the allowed apps in the windows defender firewall I also added all 3 to the exclusions for the Microsoft defender anti virus scans. I've turned CCleaner off (in case that was causing the problem) and nope still exact same error 😞
  3. I just cant get my head around it, I mean Noble skyrin never seems to work with texgen now but sometimes other mods are causing errors too. though if i keep messing with activating and deactivating mods eventually it'll work with everything again EXCEPT Noble Skyrim. I think my brain is melting trying to figure out what wizardry will make Texgen like my mods 😞
  4. wait...does impwall05ice_n.dds even exist? I just searched through the base game textures and it aint there. so why is Texgen looking for it?
  5. Nope doesn't like Noble Skyrim for some reason. Tried the 2K and performance version too. I downloaded both manually cause MO2 sometimes borks the rar's for big files. Also just noticed but Noble Skyrim doesn't have impwall05ice_n.dds? but dunno why that should be a problem, surely the file exists somewhere in the game or another mod installed?
  6. I deleted Noble Skyrim and aMidianBorn Buildings and Landscapes SE and Texgen started working. I then reinstalled aMidianBorn Buildings and Landscapes SE and it still works. I'm thinking perhaps the textures got borked somehow. currently redownloading Noble Skyrim. Thanks for the help anyway.
  7. I tried adding MO2 Texgen and Dyndolod to windows security allow through firewall list and also ran them all as administrator and still get this error.
  8. When running Texgen I get this error. Error copying textures\dungeons\imperial\impwall05_n.dds to F:\Modding\Manual Mods\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\DynDOLOD-temp\textures\dungeons\imperial\impwall05ice_n.dds The system cannot find the path specified I had used texgen a few weeks before with no problem so I'm not sure what's going wrong. wait... for some reason having Noble Skyrim, aMidianBorn Buildings and Landscapes SE or Landscapes - Cathedral Concept active when I use texgen i get the error. I don't know why this is happening? EDIT ok now it doesn't work even if they are deactivated
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