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Everything posted by ravenRpg38

  1. I am running texgen now as I type this. I googled a bunch of antivirus and uac exclusion stuff and rearranged some of that stuff. I've never had a problem before like this one because I've always added things like bethini, mo2, and such to the firewall exclusion list. I came across something that even adding certain programs to the firewall is not enough nor is running as admin. So far it's been running for a few minutes and I'll update here once it finishes whether it completes or gives another error. I thought of doing the mod test take away some and run until finding the mod in question. In regards to your comment about copying the impex.dds before posting last night I found (or hoped that I found) every file concerning the impex.dds and hid the file to see but error still. Either way I may have fixed my problem with adding texgen and dyndolod to my uac update, it worked succesfully after adding both exe to the uac
  2. Even if I add dyndolod and tex gen to the exclusions list? Another thing, last night I decided to test texgen by running with no mods active and it finished it's cycle with no errors. With mods active I get the error So I did what you said and the bsa was there in xedit
  3. I have tried several times to run Texgen and each time I get cannot copy resource textures\dungeons\impextwall01_n.dds to my disc drive where the output where dyndolod is stored. "the system cannot find the path specified"
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