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  1. I'm actually doing second drafts of what I have at the moment over on the Skyrim Blog: https://theskyrimblog.ning.com/profile/TequilaPurves They are much better so far, though it's going at a slow pace.
  2. I would have to play all of them to fairly judge and I haven't.
  3. Is this true? Is there no way to get around that?
  4. Personally I have an idea of what mods I want to use but I'm worried about having to find out which work well together and which one of the same type to use (for example, which of the handful of unofficial patches is the best to go for).
  5. Does anyone know of something similar to STEP for NV or is there nothing really comparable?
  6. I have seen that site briefly in the past - I'm going to have to give it more of an in-depth look. Thanks! I'll let you know in terms of Youtube when I have a better idea of what I'm doing. I am going to be getting help with video editing and such from my (sort of) boyfriend and he'll be over this weekend so I may have more of an idea about what kind of direction I'll be taking.
  7. I don't know if any of you will be interested or if this is the right section for it. I am using most of S.T.E.P and that comes through in the story as well as in the pictures so I thought that maybe that might interest some. I already posted this on the official forums so I copied the rest of the message. I'm trying to find anyone who might get some enjoyment out of this as I could use the encouragement: My Skyrim Journal This link will take you to my Facebook album containing my in-character Skyrim journal (two pages per picture). I'm writing a diary as I play, partly because I need creative writing practice. Constructive criticism is welcome but please read the small description at the start of the album before doing so. Spoilers to the game of course and poetic license with the thoughts of NPCs, etc. I would say that the journal should be read with a general audience of 16 - 18+ as there maybe be mention of slight adult themes such as sexual and romantic relations (including LGBT), drug use (skooma), violence (obviously), and perhaps the occasional curse or two. This is not meant to be smutty or offensive and yet it is hard for me to know whether I cross the line at any point because so many people have different limits. There are screenshots along with the journal pages and in one or two of them my character is in her underwear, lying on a bed (using "Dovahkiin Relaxes Too" mod). Besides this and the obvious spoilers, I think that's all the warning that I have to give. Writing the journal is mostly a way for me to remain immersed but I decided that maybe other people might get a kick out of seeing how another person plays the game, the decisions they make, and someone's idea of what is going on behind the normal NPC conversations. I am planning to perhaps do some Youtube videos with the more interesting diary entries and maybe even recreations of dreams which my character has had. Any suggestions are welcome. Please be polite in any communication with me as I suffer from an anxiety disorder and low confidence. As I said, criticism is fine as long as it is about my work and it is helpful.
  8. I don't really understand how to do it? Rebuilding bashed patch? nvm: found it
  9. "Set GDOExtraNPCs To 0" I didn't use this. What a fool.
  10. It was Guard Dialogue OverHaul causing the issue.
  11. Was thinking this might have to do with the Unofficial Skyrim Patch's fix so that she'll sell to you or maybe something to do with Realistic Room Rentals. I was wondering if anyone else has come across this and if they have a fix? If not then it is no big loss; I just liked her complimenting my character. Narri is the flirtatious Nord girl who works in Falkreath's inn. (she's saying standard rumour stuff. Olfina in Whiterun does the same when inside the tavern but changes to her normal talk outside whereas Narri doesn't seem to change back when she's out of the inn)
  12. Thank you very much. Now I can stop worrying.
  13. "UNINSTALLATION: Make sure you are not diseased and remove the mod file “Diseased†from load order (or delete it). If any disease is left, you can use an altar after removing the mod and you will be fine. Or use the MCM menu and choose to uninstall it. Then save and remove the mod file “Diseased†from load order (or delete it)." ^ Does he/she mean that it would be fine? I could read this a couple ways.
  14. One of the non-STEP mods I was using is called Diseased. I decided that it wasn't for me and removed it like it said to (disabled it in MCM and it took the disease away, then I exited the game and removed it). However I later realised I wanted to go back to an earlier save which had Witbane still affecting my character. I removed the disease with the help of Kynareth's shrine but I'm wondering if it is okay to play or whether the old saves would need Diseased to have been removed from them. I can directly ask the mod maker I guess but I figured that there'd be a general idea of whether or not this is safe.
  15. Well, the Belethor problem is in the vanilla game. P.S. side note - I actually can run Skyrim on Ultra High it turns out, it's just a little slow now and then. P.P.S. worked out that graphics problems were happening because my idiot ex had overclocked the graphics card and hadn't put the settings back.
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