I have a couple of questions about using your tools correctly. I've been told quite different things by several very experienced SSE mod devs and would appreciate your definitive input.
1) I was told there is an advantage to using both LODGEN (for terrain) -and- DYNDOLOD (for objects) in SSE. I currently just use DYNDOLOD, since it appears to be a strict super-set of LODGEN?
2) The Oldrim DYNDOLOD OpenCities instructions call for doing 2 passes (static options w/o OpenCities & Blowing in the Wind and not saving; then dynamic options with everything and saving), BUT this section appears to be omitted in the SSE DYNDOLOD instructions. Should I continue doing SSE DYNDOLOD in 1 pass, since it appears to detect OpenCities for some settings at runtime in the logs, -or- two passes as described in the Oldrim instructions?
Thank you for your efforts on these great tools and your time in answering our questions.