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    Michigan, United States

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  1. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to create a filter to only show records that have the RNAM (Prompt) in the right pane field. Is there such a feature? I've ran through several itterations of fitlers without success. This is a dialog only feature, and although I do see dialog as an option, I need more than just that top level field. Thank you for any help! -Shiholude
  2. Creation Kit load n save efforts seem to have worked to allow this to move past the hangup! It crashed on me once, but I think i got to poking around too much without ensuring that the cells corrected themselves some first. I have a ton of navmesh fixes to work through now, but at least I got an optimized DynDOLOD now! Thank you sheson, again, for the great help!
  3. Thank you very much for taking the time to explain this in greater detail. I wasn't grasping whether I had to dig through the creation kit or I was missing something in my xEdit search! I will try the CK route and see if it fixes things over there first. Many kudos!
  4. Bug Report: https://1drv.ms/t/s!AgxbjiWk_c7vqQaPfZvUu8li9wOg?e=SlEYco That's where I'm confused. Where should the cell exist? I cannot find anything named "Water1024River_DynDOLOD_LOD" anywhere in my entire load order list. I can find "Water1024River", but nothing with the additional "_DynDOLOD_LOD" to narrow this down as to where it *should* be, in order to determine if it needs to be added or deleted. This is very frustrating.
  5. Here is the entire log: https://1drv.ms/t/s!AgxbjiWk_c7vqQU0-zK-oAdgkAmT?e=hPhcfa
  6. Development: I found 16 occurrences where "Water1024River" is called out in my mod and where the coordinates match 63, -42. There are easily over 100 of these Water River references, so I was pleased to find these among the (more than) 2000 persistent references in the file. Nothing states "_DynDOLOD_LOD", which I assume is an extension/suffix placed by this mod during it's conversation/workings? Of these 16, none match the REFR: xx00E793 or the ACTI:xx002154 numbers seen above. Am I compeltely looking int he wrong spot here?
  7. Good evening. Trying to redo my DynDOLOD, and got the following error. It seems to be pointing at my own BA_LocationTweaks.esp file, but I'm unsure where to find the corresponding item in xEdit (the file is quite large). I've gone through both my file and Skyrim.esm, but cannot find the referenced numbers to track down what is wrong. Could someone point me in the right direction? My general interpretation of this is that my file is attempting to place an LOD activator (a water source) somewhere at 63, -42, but there is no reference at that point, or perhaps it is a dead reference (not sure how that is possible, but i've seen stranger things pho sho). [00:05:34.891] Real work starting now [00:06:34.402] Done [00:06:34.433] Adding 1541 new to 1541 large references for Tamriel in DynDOLOD.esm [00:06:49.820] Add 6984 references for DynDOLOD LOD [00:06:49.834] 1 of 6984 done [00:06:59.642] 699 of 6984 done [00:07:09.679] 1397 of 6984 done [00:07:20.246] 2095 of 6984 done [00:07:30.689] 2793 of 6984 done [00:07:40.823] 3491 of 6984 done [00:07:50.385] 4189 of 6984 done [00:08:00.382] 4887 of 6984 done [00:08:11.299] 5585 of 6984 done [00:08:16.335] No Minion for 63_-42 BA_LocationTweaksesp_0D6DC3_DynDOLOD_LOD [REFR:E800E793] (places Water1024River_DynDOLOD_LOD [ACTI:E7002154] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:00000D74] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C]) at 63,-42) [00:08:16.368] [00:08:16.368] Exception in unit userscript line 350: List index out of bounds (-1)
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