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  1. Basically the title. Can i use Nemesis instead of FNIS? Will that break things? I know I saw at least one mod that required FNIS but I've also heard Nemesis creates a dummy file to resolve dependencies.
  2. How do I check to see if xEdit is saving them? If it's not saving them, how would I set that up? I created the empty mod but I don't know how xEdit would know to put anything in there. Following the guide, I double clicked the master, it auto-cleans it (I assume) and then I close. I guess to be specific I ran xEdit and not the quick auto clean. Would that make a difference? And as long as the cache and backups aren't checked, they aren't in my load order then? (sorry, I figure that's a basic MO2 question but I'm just a beginner right now)
  3. I'm going through the STEP guide and I'm confused about some of the steps in the guide. In particular, the "Moving the Cleansed Files" section. After step 2 (copying the files from data to cleaned vanilla masters was fine) it says "In the xEdit Backups folder, rename the files to "MasterName.esm" but I don't have anything in my xEdit backups folder. Should there be something there? Also, after that is says the mod list order should reflect: DLC: Dawnguard.esm DLC: Hearthfires.esm DLC: Dragonborn.esm Cleaned Vanilla Mastersbut at the end of that I still have the two empty mods that we created in previous steps, so xEdit backups and xEdit Cache as Priority 4 and 5. Should those be there? Thanks for the help :D
  4. Sorry if this is a silly question but is there any plan to do a wabbajack installer for STEP? Is that even possible?
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