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  1. I reinstalled EVBQO and made sure to untick everything under Optional and Compatible Mods as I am using the STEP Extended Patch. Thanks and I will make sure to pay very close attention to what I am doing in future..
  2. I removed SFO and reinstalled it using the detailed instructions. I then reinstalled the STEP compilation. I moved aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp back into the Active list of esps to clear the LOOT error. That should do it hopefully.
  3. I have installed all mods and the Skyrim Extended patch, and am just reviewing my progress for potential mistakes. With Skyrim Floral Overhaul do I need the original .esp to be present and active in the list of plugins if I have already merged the Dragonborn addon? I accidentally deleted the original esp but SFO - Dragonborn.esp is present and active in the list of plugins. Or am I supposed to have both esps installed and ticked but with SFO - Dragonborn.esp positioned after the original? Edit: After checking the download page the description for the Dragonborn Addon states that it is not required in the latest versions of SFO. In this case perhaps I should just remove and reinstall the mod and leave out the addon? When I launch LOOT I receive a warning for BetterQuestObjectives-AMBSkyforgePatch.esp which was installed with the Even Better Quest Objectives mod. The message states that "This plugin requires 'aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp' to be installed, but it is missing". I have moved aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp into the top panel of "optional esps" as described in the final step of the detailed instructions for Book of Silence. Is this message safe to ignore or have I failed to follow the instructions correctly?
  4. Hello, When installing the STEP Compilation patch I found to my dismay that aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp was missing from my list of plugins. I somehow missed the additional steps given under the section "Addon, Hotfix and Path Fix" in the Step Detailed Instructions for the mod "Book of Silence". I have since installed most if not all of the extended mods that follow this. Would it be wise to start over from scratch or since these are fixes for an already installed mod can this be avoided? Regards, Ned
  5. Good day, When I install the file 'Update - Male corundum Dragon Priest mask texture fix" for 'Improved Closefaced Helmets (Legendary Edition)' I am not prompted to merge the two files as described in the detailed instructions for that mod. Would it be okay to do this myself manually?
  6. Hi there, I am following the STEP guide from scratch using a new installation of Skyrim. In the section '2.A Loot Sorting & Patches' mention is made of STEP Patches. Could someone explain to me what these are and who should use them? What is meant by 'saving plugin slots'? These patches are also mentioned at the very top of the guide: Notice: This is the Current version of the STEP Guide. Don't forget to visit STEP on the Nexus to download the STEP Patches and to endorse STEP if you are a returning user. Thanks and enjoy the guide! There is a compilation of mods on that page - 'Step Compilation Installer'. I checked and some of these mods are not included in the actual guide itself. Are these mods supplementary to the guide?
  7. Thanks for the response! I started the process on another pc and its looking better so far. The only thing i'm wondering about is if I can safely ignore an error in the HRDLC-clean error log. It just says on the first line : "The directory is not empty". Other than that, there is the correct number of files and folders after running the bat. I had the bat files located alongside the Vanilla Extracted folder which contains the HRDLC1,2,3 etc. Also, the optimised Textures.bsa isn't added to MO, its placed directly in the data folder, right?
  8. After, preoptimisation bat Dawnguard Vanilla Normal Maps Folder: 5 Files, 6 Folders Dawnguard Vanilla Textures Folder: 3,116 Files, 106 Folders Adds to 3,121 files Do you think it is in this step that something goes missing?
  9. My Dawnguard folder in Vanilla Extracted has 14,704 Files, 758 Folders. If you still have yours, any chance you could tell me if they are the same? Ned
  10. Well did everything from scratch and the file/folders count are correct for every folder in Vanilla Optimised except Dawguard again - 3,121 files 106 folders. Everything worked without errors.
  11. Sorry, here is the correct information - last one was incomplete Please ignore the Finished Archives, Other and Optimised BSAs folders as I added them myself
  12. When processing normal maps in DDSOpt do I filter both _n.dds and _msn.dds, also, how do you filter uncompressed maps in the browser window?
  13. Thanks! I understand now _n implies a normal map _msn.dds an Uncompressed normal map .dds are ordinary textures as they are optimised they will be crossed off the browser window. Here is my Vanilla Optimised Directory Information:
  14. When using DDSopt for Step mods - do I filter the *_n.dds and *_msn.dds parts(for normal maps?) and apply figure S2 constraints to them? What about the ordinary textures and uncompressed textures? Can you filter them the same way and use specific settings for each type in the same run? edit: After optimising the Vanilla Textures, my Dawnguard folder in "Vanilla Optimised" has 3,121 files and 106 folders - missing one file according to the Guide. Is this okay? I appreciate the comments, Ned
  15. Last question :0 I have 1.5gb VRAM, would it be wise for me to just stick with the Standard quality recommendations for the Constraints settings?
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