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  1. *Facepalms* yea it's within the ini settings....if I had simply scrolled down further I wouldn't of wasted a post lol. Sorry guys.
  2. I've recently done a fresh reinstall of Windows 8.1 and MO for new Vegas. I've verified the cache of the game and have the latest drivers for the graphics card. For some odd reason the game launches stretched and with the black bars at the bottom and top of the screen. Starting the game normally through steam prevents this issue but naturally means no mods. Is there an ini file I should be looking at in regards to fixing this?
  3. Nevermind....reverted to an older 4gb patch and it now finally seems to work.
  4. Doesn't seem to help unfortunately....now I get an error message stating "The instruction at 0x6abb8a9f referenced memory at 0x6abb8a9f. The memory could not be read...I know for certain it had nothing to do with the aforementioned instructions above since it was doing that before I attempted any of it. I've reinstalled my OS three times now and would rather not burn out my SSD....hopefully it's something stupid obvious that I'm missing.
  5. This is happening to me as well...I know for absolute certainty it's becuase I switched to Windows 8.1....running as adminstrator...ran shortcut exe as adminstrator, tried running it in compatibility mode for 7 and 8.....and of course tried the added argument suggestion posted in a few places. I either get something about a child process error or nothing at all depending on which 4gb patch I'm using, it's location, and whether or not I am running as adminstrator (despite being an administrator account *rolls eyes*) The patch works fine outside of MO though...along with loading NV in any other way. I also can use NVSE through MO...but I quickly run into out of memory errors without the increased memory.
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