This is a completely Fresh Install of Skyrim SE. all previous files were deleted after uninstall then the game was reinstalled fresh. This is a Steam installation of Skyrim SE. also its a legal copy not a pirated one. So far The error I have gotten most commonly is "Failed to spawn Loot.exe" Failed to start process (the Parameter is incorrect [87]) However I have gotten a similar error only with the number 85. I have completely uninstalled Loot, Wrybash and Mod Organizer 2. Deleted any left over files then reinstalled them. I have Installed them to the C:\Games folder that I know is not under UAC control. The Install folder name is as short as possible and still be meaningful. Mod Organizer for example is installed to C:\Games\Mo2 I have created exceptions for the install locations and the executables in my anti virus I have updated/reinstalled Visual C ++ /x86 and /64 I have spent the last 4 hours googling and trying various "fixes" to this issue and so far no luck. SKSE runs fine as do most of the mods though I cant be sure of any mod conflicts without loot/wrybash. Perkus Maximus seems to run properly as Does FNIS. I verified that the Mod Organizer links for both Loot and Wrybash are pointed at the right executables. I really want to be able to use Mod Organizer instead of NMM due to it keeping my game folder a lot cleaner and uninstalling mods is cleaner. I am stumped as to what could be causing this.