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Everything posted by Simian_Jyhad

  1. Turns out that Bit Defender was causing the Hooking process to time out even though there were exceptions set in for it to ignore all of Mod Organizer. Uninstalling Bit Defender fixed the issue thanks for your advice
  2. I am using Mod Organizer 2 build 2.1.3 , I was unaware of a newer version being available in discord. do you happen to know how to get that version? here is a copy/paste of the latest log file
  3. This is a completely Fresh Install of Skyrim SE. all previous files were deleted after uninstall then the game was reinstalled fresh. This is a Steam installation of Skyrim SE. also its a legal copy not a pirated one. So far The error I have gotten most commonly is "Failed to spawn Loot.exe" Failed to start process (the Parameter is incorrect [87]) However I have gotten a similar error only with the number 85. I have completely uninstalled Loot, Wrybash and Mod Organizer 2. Deleted any left over files then reinstalled them. I have Installed them to the C:\Games folder that I know is not under UAC control. The Install folder name is as short as possible and still be meaningful. Mod Organizer for example is installed to C:\Games\Mo2 I have created exceptions for the install locations and the executables in my anti virus I have updated/reinstalled Visual C ++ /x86 and /64 I have spent the last 4 hours googling and trying various "fixes" to this issue and so far no luck. SKSE runs fine as do most of the mods though I cant be sure of any mod conflicts without loot/wrybash. Perkus Maximus seems to run properly as Does FNIS. I verified that the Mod Organizer links for both Loot and Wrybash are pointed at the right executables. I really want to be able to use Mod Organizer instead of NMM due to it keeping my game folder a lot cleaner and uninstalling mods is cleaner. I am stumped as to what could be causing this.
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