Hi, there. I just finished installing Step Core, after some problems due to the language barrier. -As soon as I start the game, I notice some buggs with the grass and dirt textures: https://imgur.com/4UNKvrj This is outside Whiterun. -The other thing is that I have this red message above the main menu: https://imgur.com/JVLZJSt -And the light doesn't seem to work the right way.When it is dark at night, the torches are very bright, and when you look away, it takes seconds for the environment to adapt. Guards with torches: https://imgur.com/bxuWugV Guards leaving town, everything gets very dark: https://imgur.com/F06SVdy Seconds later: https://imgur.com/CAxjwyu I probably screwed up something really hard at some point but after days and days of checking every step, I can't find any solution. So I call for help. I have all the Step Core mods installed except Improved Closefaced Helmets and Dynamic Distant Objects.From the extended only: Wonders of Weather.And one or two Spanish language patches, which I've already removed for testing. --- Very embarrassing aspects of my hobo PC: https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Break/SystemSpecs LOOT load order: Enblocal: Skyrim.ini: SkyrimPrefs.ini