I noticed someone else on this forum had this exact same issue, and I tried updating the Unofficial Skyrim SE Patch (as someone else had suggested), but that did not solve anything. My brand new PC had a failed graphics card, and my system was sent back to the manufacturer to replace it. Upon its return, Windows 10 had been re-installed and updated. Before this, MO2, SKSE and Skyrim SE ran flawlessly and perfectly. With the update (to both Windows and Skyrim), everything got screwed up. When I tried running SKSE from MO2 for the first time since getting the PC back, it wouldn't even acknowledge that my mods existed. Skyrim SE would say no content was found. I re-installed SKSE, updated MO2, and the game now acknowledges my mods in my data folder, along with SKSE, which runs perfectly on its own when not launched from MO2. However, if I try to run SKSE from MO2, the game crashes before the Bethesda splash screen even arrives. I figured it was a mod conflict, so I disabled all plugins. The game still crashes when launching from MO2, with ALL MODS DISABLED. A Vanilla load will work with "nothing installed", but only that. If I launch SKSE normally, it works perfectly fine outside of MO2. The few mods I have manually installed in the Data folder load fine, as well. Everything associated with MO2 is somehow broken. Vanilla Skyrim SE runs fine as well, but that point is kind of moot, since it also runs when using an SKSE shortcut from my Desktop, and it runs when using it from the Skyrim SE folder. MO2 is NOT installed in Program Files, and has it's own separate folder on my D drive. I HAVE run it with administrator permissions. I have run LOOT multiple times, and even so, my load order is the same as it was when I played before my graphics card failed. The load order and number of mods was never a problem, since they ran perfectly well before this all happened. I feel like my only option is to re-install every single solitary mod, or reinstall Skyrim SE, or do both. This sounds incredibly painful and not worth the headache, so I'm wondering if anyone has a solution.