Mods like SkyUI SE wont even work though they are SE versions, I would think mods like Alternate Start would be SE compatible because of how popular they are? Any ideas?
Ok so I deleted and started again, following that video, only difference is when I reinstalled MO2 it did not have to find it, it opened will all the mods I had installed, but I still cant launch SKSE without it shutting down. Latest update some mods work some dont, SkyUI among other brakes it idk why.
Ok so I know this sounds very very strange, but for the some reason if i try put MO2 anywhere else except dumped to desktop it can not find skyrim, What I mean by that is that for some reason when I click on file explorer I can find it, however when it comes to Browse on MO2 files are missing, like I click on skyrim and it has like 3 empty folders? Sorry I cant find debug in settings, I'm using notepad++, you talking about the log or MO?
Hello, Every time I try to launch SKSE with any mods with MO2 it crashes (except FNIS.esp) and it works fine with no mods. My skyrim SE is under Local Disk > Games so is not UAC protected Now the problem may be with the location of MO2, the only way I could get it to work, which I mean by is that the only way it could locate TESV.exe is by dumping it on This PC > Desktop, I try put it anywhere else it cant find Skyrim SE at all OR it says start STEAM when it already is. Thats what I got with my logs. Any ideas?