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  1. T4GTR34UM3R's post in About MM DynDoLod Ressources and why they behave like they do was marked as the answer   
    I wrote this to ensure that everyone understands why I made certain descisions.

    MM can't be treated like the vanilla mountains. But I have the feeling that too many people are doing that.
    The only things that are in common with vanilla are the mesh names and the shapes.
    And the lod is vastly different too.

    It ain't a problem to have no HdLod flag on certain mountains with the vanilla meshes. You won't notice any difference.
    But it was a problem with the MM lod.

    And the example that I addressed the problem by my self should show that I need the control about the lod process. (I had a small hope that this would fix the Large Ref Bug too. But it didn't! )
    This is the reason why I keep the vanilla paths.

    I need the control to provide a working lod. And I took the responsebility too.
    The lod works with any issues. And I don't see any need for improving compatibility right now.
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