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  1. Thank you for replying. But what did you mean brighter nights? If I can fix that I'll be fine.
  2. Hello, thank you for taking the time to read this, I'll get right to it. I just finished with this guide and so far this is the best I've had my New Vegas running. I did skip out on a couple things due to it not working as it said it would on the guide, like DDSopt and FNVLODGen. I don't have the best computer ever but I can run recent games at high, thought I'd say for an idea of how good my computer is. Anyway, so the only issues I've had so far are weird bugged eye textures on some NPCs, the nights being a lot darker than they should be even with the weather mod, the street lights that are men't to counteract how dark nights are, are very dim, and this could just be my PC but I have FPS drop down to 30 FPS when I'm in combat or when I use the flashlight. By the way, the weather mod I'm using is Realistic Wasteland Lighting. I've also included some screenshots for you to get an idea. Any help at all would be appreciated, if you need more info I'll be happy to oblige. Thank you again
  3. Thank you for letting me know this. Though for some reason now the base game just crashes when I launch it through MO AND it won't even start when I launch it out of it MO. I have zero idea wha's going on, I even revalidated the game files and tried to launch it out of MO again, it said one file had been replaced so I thought it would work now. It still isn't. I'm gonna guess my only option is to just do another fresh start. I'll try to follow the guide again but a bit more thorough this time if possible. Thank you for your time.
  4. So I haven't made it very far into this guide and I'm already encountering problems. I'm not sure if I didn't follow a certain step or if it's just my computer. As the title says I can't launch NVSE through MO or even out of it. I've made sure everything has admin access to the best of my ability and knowledge, and I've tried resetting all of my INI files. I reset the files in My Documents folder as well as the Mod Organizer INI files. If anyone has any ideas or knows how to help me PLEASE let me know. I've been trying to get a working heavily modded version of this game working for years and I found this guide hoping it would help me do so.
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