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  1. Just for anyone that is having the same problem and looked this post, there is already a mod that tries to fix this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91254
  2. When I press the download from Nexus it downloads the mod until 99% then it fails and says "requested range not satisfiable (299)". if I try to resume download the same error appears, this is the first time with this problem (two days ago I could download normally) and I didn't touch anything.
  3. We have the strings, the thing is wrye bash is not detecting the english strings for "update.esm", for me for example i need to change "Update_English.DLSTRINGS" to "Update_Spanish.DLSTRINGS" and the others so update.esm is not in red in wrye bash, but doing so some menus are in that language, its like some file of wrye bash is detecting that he needs "Spanish" instead of "English" for update (and yes, i changed every ini file to be in english), because with the skyrim.esm and the other dlc i dont have any problem
  4. I have the exact same problem, when i played with my native language all good, but then i changed to english and update.esm miss string files, did you fix it?
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