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  1. But how exactly do I make 3 profiles work together? If I launch Wrye Bash from STEP Core then only the Core mods will show up in the patch, if Extended then only Extended.
  2. Okay so I now have 3 profilesSTEP Core STEP ExtendedMiscI have Bashed Patches for all 3, but the things in Extended and Misc don't have any effect on the game. Do I have to enable the bashed patches for all 3 within Core? At present Core BP is enabled in STEP Core, Extended BP is enabled in STEP Extended profiles and so on.EDIT:Tried enabling all 3 within in the same profile, that didn't work.
  3. I see, so what about the Bash Patch then? Do I have to create a secondary one for STEP Extended?I installed STEP Core and now I'm planning to install STEP Extended, my question is, while installing CORE I obviously took some decisions that were for CORE only, like compatibility with other mods which are in Extended and I was not planning to install initially. So now how do I revisit them and change accordingly?And another question, MO has "priority" levels in it, and since all the mods are installed in the Mods folder in their own directories and not overwritten, I am wondering why some mods need to be installed "in order" since you can just change the priority.I have also noticed one singular missing texture(purple) it's all the chandeliers in the game. I guess I will probably follow this to find outhttps://forum.step-project.com/topic/3047-howto-identify-missing-textures/
  4. Okay STEP Core works great, thanks guys.Now if I want to install STEP Extended and other mods, I will create a different MO profile but how do I use them together?
  5. Yeah I figured it out, thanks.
  6. Alright so I've "successfully" installed STEP 2.2.9 but I'm unclear on the Bashed Patch instructions. I have rebuilt the patch and it's in the Overwrite folder but what am I supposed to do with it? I merely enabled it in MO and doesn't seem to cause any issues. The "Right click-->Create Mod" part is not clear to me, can't find any such options in MO, I was thinking of doing it manually by moving the file to a new folder in Mods and activating from there but not sure that would be the correct way to do it. I think I get it now.
  7. Just to bring it to light, WAF. https://wiki.step-project.com/Weapons_and_Armor_Fixes Download and install the following: "Weapons and Armor Fixes - COMPLETE PLUS""Compatibility Patch - Guard Dialogue Overhaul" - select the COMPLETE PLUS or TRUE WEAPONS option only"Improved Closefaced Helmets -- WAF and CCF Compatible Versions" - ONLY "Improved Closefaced Helmets_Legendary.esp" is needed (see explanation). However, do not enable "Improved Closefaced Helmets_Legendary.esp" until the actual Improved Closefaced Helmets mod is installed in section 2.I, or guards will be walking around without helmets.WAF Complete Plus v4.0 has no compatibility patches relating to GDO or ICH. v5 has ICH patches but nothing relating to GDO nor is it on GDO's own page or anywhere else I could think of. Is this supposed to be found somewhere else?
  8. That... would be my fault. The LOOT page's instructions were originally just a BOSS copy-paste(WIP I imagine), I was looking at it yesterday and spotted this so replaced "BOSS" with "LOOT", guess I missed one of them.
  9. Well if 2.2.9 is coming out soon enough then I can wait.
  10. If someone knows, please answer the questions above, thanks.Also, opened the STEP guide today and Jewels of the Nord has been removed from STEP Core and is now Extended?
  11. Yep, Weapons and Armour Fixes Complete Plus v4, only has 1 esp for the mod itself, scripts/source folder with 2 psc and pex files and readmes for Dragon Priest Masks, Faster Arrows, True Weapons. But no compatibility patch for GDO neither in the WAF files nor on the GDO mod page, same applies to Improved Closefaced Helmets. Oh, okay, thanks I was just going by upload date.EDIT:"Install the Serious HD Retexture RIFTEN 1024px main file and the Serious HD Retexture RIFTEN 1024px optional file."There is only one Riften file, that's the optional file, no "main file"EDIT2: USKP/other related patches got an update today and the old files were removed. The version they have uploaded is v2.0.5, the one I downloaded was before this change 2.0.4a. I'm not sure what version STEP list was written with so I am assuming USKP version doesn't matter so much, correct me if I'm wrong.
  12. Still trying to install Weapons and Armour Fixes.https://wiki.step-project.com/Weapons_and_Armor_Fixes#RecommendationsI cannot find the compatibility patch for GDO anywhere nor "Improved Closefaced Helmets -- WAF and CCF Compatible Versions" in COMPLETE PLUS version of the mod(meaning v4). The newest version 5.0 does have ICH though.
  13. Indeed, I was referring to 2.2.9 coming with new instructions on how to deal with MO 1.2.9
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