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  1. kabepo's post in Leveled Lists question was marked as the answer   
    Yes, if you add a mod that modifies leveled lists (or modifies anything), you will need create your own conflict resolution patch.
    You can manually resolve conflicts using xEdit, that would probably be the best and easiest option to learn first.
    Later, and if you add a group of additional mods, I would recommend learning to use Mator Smash.
  2. kabepo's post in Leveled Lists question was marked as the answer   
    Yes, if you add a mod that modifies leveled lists (or modifies anything), you will need create your own conflict resolution patch.
    You can manually resolve conflicts using xEdit, that would probably be the best and easiest option to learn first.
    Later, and if you add a group of additional mods, I would recommend learning to use Mator Smash.
  3. kabepo's post in Idiot here, a few issues near completing install process was marked as the answer   
    LOOT 0.12.5 and older use priorities. LOOT 0.13.0 and newer remove priority and now use "Groups".
    So you need to install an old version of LOOT.
  4. kabepo's post in Idiot here, a few issues near completing install process was marked as the answer   
    LOOT 0.12.5 and older use priorities. LOOT 0.13.0 and newer remove priority and now use "Groups".
    So you need to install an old version of LOOT.
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