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  1. Hi there, Thank you for the detailed explanations, they really complement each other. I will study the guides and tutorials more this weekend. 1. Because TESVedit is a tool, then there is no issue with running it at any stage in building up the new profile B? 2. I installed Timing is Everything directly into the Skyrim main folder because I could not get the mod to show up when I played the game by installing it via MO 1.33. I don't have a clue why it would not show up via MO, but there you are. When I make profile B in MO, Timing is Everything also shows up as an unmanaged plugin just like in profile A. I am assuming from what we have been discussing that as long as I do not change anything in Timing is Everything, then the settings will be the same in profile B as they are in profile A. And, if I Did change the settings at some point in profile B then those settings would also be changed in profile A. As long as I do not change the settings it sounds like both profiles will be okay. But if I do change the settings then one of the profiles save games will get broken and Skyrim may not load.
  2. Wow... Thanks for the great insights. 1. This means I should check mark Local Save Games in each of my profiles, both the default profile and the new one, and not just the new one I begin, right? 2. What happens if I do not check Local Save Games in my first default profile? 3. I only have a couple of merged mods and FNIS in my beginning default profile and LOOT and TESVedit. Sorry about all the questions right here, but this is a can of worms I know nothing about. "Mods that create patches/script output, to handle various mods will need to be isolated from each other by naming them according to your characters. ie. A bashed patch will affect each game if it is enabled in both profiles so you must create one for each profile, NOT use the SAME one. This also applies to tools such as FNIS." Does renaming the mod or merged or batched mod take care of this problem? What is the usual way to take care of this problem? How does one determine if a mod or .... creates a script output? And how about LOOT and TESVedit are they included in this category?
  3. Hi there! Good News! ...but I come from another planet and don't speak your language very well, and my translator is on the fritz. Could we back up a bit and help me figure out how to get my new profile to have a beginning new game save? 1. I created a new profile in MO 1.33 and checked it out by switching back and forth with my one default profile. The default profile still works fine, and yes, the new profile shows all of the mods installed in MO but unchecked and the plugins box only has the base plugins. Great! 2. How do I get a new beginning save game with my new profile? Is it as simple as loading the new profile and when Skyrim loads then select New Game? I really don't want to screw up my default game in any way which is why I am asking in advance of doing anything. I have an incredible gift for ruining things on my computer. 3. What does, "enabling local save games", mean, and how does it work to create a new beginning game? Thank you.
  4. I have played Skyrim about half the way through and, of course, have a ton of mods and saves. Is there any way, in MO 1.33 and Skyrim, to set up a new profile that has no mods and with a beginning save game state and yet still keep my current game profile and current save game state that is associated with that profile?
  5. wow... 1. So at the moment it is only possible to run one SSE profile game? IE; profiles do not work at the moment? 2. What will happen if you do more than one profile? 3. I assume that MO 1.33 profiles and dedicated save games to each proifile work correctly with Oldrim? Thank you.
  6. I just wanted a check to see if my thinking is right about how I can use MO2 as I mod SSE this time around. 1. With the profiles options and their dedicated save games I should be able to have let's say 5 different mod profiles and a dedicated beginning save game for each profile, right? Essentially I could have 5 differently modded Skyrim Special Editions? 2. So if I set up these profiles and a base foundation save game for each at the very beginning of the game, I could have 5 very different mod built games, (or more), and play each one through as a separate game, right? 3. And one of these could even be a mod profile that I wouldn't play now but might play later from its beginning save game and could include SKSE and SKSE dependent mods, whenever they become available? 4. The main trick is to set each one up at the beginning with its base foundation save game, and then do no more modding for it after I begin using that profile for a play through? But modding it and testing it can continue up until the time that I begin doing the play through and accumulate save games. Thanks!
  7. Hi there, I think I have it all sorted out now. Just complete a thorough TESedit cleaning on the base files and it looks normal in MO2. Will experiment more this weekend. Thank you all so much for the help. i really appreciate it.
  8. Hi There, Just curious about why my beginning MO 2.0.8 installation of SSE does not look like the screenshot below of an MO 2.0.7 beginning installation for SSE, which has some items in the left panel under Mod Name and in the right panel of plugins there are check boxes? My beginning installation is the second screenshot which has no check boxes and no items in the left panel of Mod Names. Any ideas? Thank you.
  9. Thanks Grant, I will give it all a test tomorrow.
  10. Hi Grant, Yes, it is MO 1. Is there a different or newer version or better version? 2. Would there be any advantage to using MO 2.0.7, it looks like some people are having problems with LOOT and MO
  11. Hi Grant, Attached below is a screenshot of my current MO 2.0.8 window that is pointed to SSE. Yes, it is a clean slate, but it is almost too clean. i think there is something missing. On the left panel of the window under Mod Name, there is nothing showing the Main SSE file, nor the Update file, nor the 3 DLC addons. And in the right panel for Plugins, there is no checkbox for activating or deactivating them. This is different from what I was expecting. 1. Is this correct, what I am seeing? 2. How does one get the check / uncheck boxes to appear? 3. and from the previous post.. Several guides suggest installing the Nexus Mod... Skyrim Special Edition Plug In For Mod Organizer Two. Is this necessary and what does it do? Thank you.
  12. Hi Grant, It worked. After purging MO2, starting SSE, and reinstalling MO 2.0.8 in a folder directly under "C" drive and pointing the MO2 directory to Portable. I now get the correct path to SSE and a clean MO2 window. 1. Several guides suggest installing the Nexus Mod... Skyrim Special Edition Plug In For Mod Organizer Two. Is this necessary and what does it do? Thank you.
  13. Hi Grant, For MO 2.0.8 I have three selections in the Game Selection Dialogue. Skyrim SE, Portable and New Game. I have tried all three selections and I have clicked the restart MO button also, and nothing changes in the Main MO window. It still looks just like the screenshot above. And it is saying Skyrm MO 2.0.8 and the Skyrim installed mods are still there along with SKSE, etc. in the Run box. In other words, no matter what I choose, it still looks like I am hooked in to Skyrim and not SSE. 1. Any ideas what is happening and how to get this version of MO 2.0.8 to look like it is looking at the fresh and clean SSE installation? 2. Why is MO 2.0.8 pointing at Skyrim, anyway, when it is not installed in Skyrim? Also, I am still running MO 1.33 with Skyrim and it is working just fine.
  14. Hi there, I deleted the MO 2.0.7 folder I had in appdata/local, and I deleted the MO 2.0.7.exe I had in the main SSE folder. I ran the MO 2.0.8 setup. selected Portable and checked the two additional install boxes at the bottom of the MO installer window to link to Nexus. I have a complete MO folder now in my Steam/steamapps/common/SSE/ MO2 folder. i created a link to the MO.exe in this folder to my dessktop. However, when I start MO2.0.8 the MO Window still says Skyrim MO rather than Skyrim Special Edition MO and I still have several Mods showing in this MO window and the SKSE install in the Run window and the Creation Kit and the link to run Skyrim, not SSE. I have no idea what is going on. What do I need to do to get MO 2.0.8 to be pointing to SSE and the beginning unmodded game of SSE, rather than Skyrim? Thank you.
  15. Hi There, Thank you for the folder example. This example looks like the correctly working MO 1.33 folder I have for Skyrim. My folder for MO 2.0.7 that is in appdata/local does not look like this example. See screenshot below. Is this folder that is MO 2.0.7 in appdata/local the correct folder to delete, and is there any other MO 2.0.7 folder or files somewhere that I should also delete?
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